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"Hey JJ. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I heard Jody ask.

"I- I- I killed a m-man," I cried, pointing at the man on the floor.
" I swear I didn't do it on purpose. I don't even know what happened. One minute I was standing, and the next he brought out a gun. And I-I don't know what I did. But he-he is d- d-dead," I whispered shivering.

"Oh Jody! We are here now okay," Don't worry about him. He is not dead. He is only unconscious."

"He's not? Are you sure?"

"Very sure, we can hear his heart beat even from here. So he is very much alive."

"Oh, thank you, thank you. I'm so relieved." I was so happy he wasn't dead. I wasn't a murderer, but I was still confused. How did I do that?

" So what happened, we tried reaching you, but you weren't responding. Then we got scared and came looking for you."

"To be honest, I don't even know what happened. All I know is that I attacked him when he tried to shoot me." 

" Okay... But why had you suddenly left like that? We had a plan. We were to put the orb's aura in your senses, which you were to follow. And then describe the place it leads you, to Jody. So she could teleport us there. So why the hell did you leave before we could finish putting the aura into you?" Wulf asked.

All I could do was stare at her in confusion.
"You didn't lead me here? I can swear that I  didn't come here by myself."

"The orb is here."

"Huh! " We all turned to look at Meg, who stared ahead with a thoughtful expression.

"You lead us to the orb. I can feel its aura strongly here."


I didn't get to finish, because just then three rugged looking men came barging into the hallway.

The largest of them noticed us first, and shouted, "hey, what are you doing h..."

He didn't get to finish also. Because a knife struck his throat.

"What!! I screamed, turning around, it was Wulf that threw it. "What the hell!"

"The other two men, came out of their shock and charged at us screaming. Next thing I knew. They turned towards each other, carried their guns and shot their selves dead.

"What! I was shocked once again. I shivered, my lips trembled. My legs shook. I had never even seen a dead body before. But right now I was part of a murder scene, in fact I was a murderer.

I  didn't realize that I had stopped walking, I stood staring at the dead bodies with blood  everywhere.

"Hey JJ, we have to go, others will be here anytime soon. The gun sound should have alerted them of our presence." Jody said.

But I still couldn't move, I kept looking at the bodies, until I felt someone pull me, just as a gun sounded.

I found myself on Wulf's arm. I couldn't see what was going on, only that it was the man who I  thought I  had killed that shot the gun.

Everything was silent once again. And I was dropped gently on the ground. I tried walking but I slipped because of my over long dress. Noticing this. Wulf reached down and ripped it off. The lower half of my dress was gone.

We continued heading straight, following the aura. I should have gone back. I should have run back to my hotel room. But I did none of that. I kept dragging myself behind them regretting my decisions.

By now, my heels were gone. And from my knee down to my toes were empty.

Then we came out of the hallway, into another with two different ways. Meg pointed at the Jody and Wulf.

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