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I watched with a racing heart and sweaty fingers, as Mr squeaky voice  pulled out some equipment that I had only witnessed in movies. 

Why did he even want to torture me? In the movies, they always needed an information,  but he was quick to pull out his torture tools without even questioning me. I swear he didn't need to do that, after seeing those tools, I could even give up my mom.

I agitated with an anguishing fear.
"What do you want?" I inquired with a wobbly voice.

"I just need you to answer all of my questions truthfully." He replied back.

" Oh, that is no problem at all,  I promise to answer your questions,  please just put down that stuff." I hastily replied.

"Good, now that we are on track, lets move on.
Who are you?"

"Em... Is that a trick question?"

The only reply I got was a stern glare.

"Okay, my name is Jade, JJ for short, I'm twenty years old..."

""Shut your trap right now!  I did not ask you for your background info. You are not a werewolf, so what are you?  And who sent you?"

Damn, what do I say now?

"Tell him you are a witch."

"What! Why would I do that?"

"I don't think he would believe you if you say you are a human.  And you don't have the aura of a Valkyrie,  so you can't say that either."


" I'm a witch."

"Hmm... You don't smell like one."

"Cicero! Witches have a smell?"

" Tell him you lost your powers."

"Yeah, I lost my powers," I replied, making sure to pull my face in a frown to portray  sadness.

"Loosing your powers, won't make your aura change," he stated.

Damn it, what the hell will I do now?

"Really?  Why are you so heartless!  I screamed at him with tears in my eyes. "I just told you I lost my identity,  what made me who I was, and you have the right to question me about it? Have you ever lost your soul? Have you ever watched your whole life leave you? Well, that is how I feel  every time someone questions me about that. I get to remember that I am not whole and I will never be. " Tears had gathered on my neck by the time I was done, I had to hope, he bought my lie.

" Well..." he cleared his throat and went on. " So... how did you get here, I'm sure there is no witch coven anywhere close."

"Yes, I was running away, from my, uh... Coven?" I didn't even know what that meant.

The look he gave me was full of suspicion.

"Now tell me, how did you get into the shield?"

"What shield? " I replied scrunching my nose in confusion. 
"You think I believe that crap you spat out? Claiming you ran away? No one could spot the spell shield, but you and your Valkyrie partner passed through it like it wasn't even there." 

Wow, why do the heavens keep fighting against me?

I swear, I didn't know there was a shield.  I told you I lost my powers, so I can't feel any magic elements."

"Good Redder, you're doing good."

"That doesn't answer my first question,  what were you doing there in the first place? And how did you find our hideout?  Did Alpha Titus put you up to this?  No, he is too oblivious to do that.
Is it Alpha Greg?  No, not him either,  It has to be Alpha Matthew. He put you up to spy on us didn't he?"

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