Chapter 2

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Afrah's POV

I wake up with a baby's cry early in the morning. The sun was already on me because I forgot to close the curtains last night. Ugh, I hated it. I have to admit that I slept a lot considering that I woke up for fajr and was able to sleep for another five hours. I stretch while I get up to close the curtains and I lie back down to continue sleeping. However, I hear my phone beep as a sign of notification. I look at it and it is a reply from the many places that I applied for a job. I can't believe I only received two replies. I know my CV isn't that good, but c'mon it isn't that bad either. Both the replies came from companies. Damn, they must be desperate for workers. I check out Wesley Mechanics and they asked if I was free for an interview the day after tomorrow at 11 am. I was more than happy to reply that I was. Then I went to AZ Electronics and I couldn't believe my eyes. They scheduled for an interview today at 9 am. I looked at the time they sent this message and it was yesterday around one hour after I sent my email. I have got only thirty minutes to go. I even thought of telling them I couldn't make it, but... Ugh, I need this job so bad.

I rush to the bathroom and forget the shower for now. I brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair and I felt presentable now. I wear an abaya and tie my headscarf. Considering I don't even have a car, I will be so damn late.

I leave the house shouting Assalamualeikum to everybody because they were awoken by the baby already.
I ran to the bus stop while extending my arm forward for the bus that was already passing by. Great, I already missed this one. The next one is in twenty minutes. Anyways, I don't have time to feel sorry for myself right now, so I decided to call for an uber.

"I need an uber!" I tell the person on the other side of the call. "What? The town?!!...No, no-no that's fine. Be there in ten minutes." I start running already. The town is ten minutes away, but since I am running, it should be less, right? I reach on time and enter the car rushing him to drive faster.

I take a deep breath and fix my clothes before entering the huge building.

"You must be here for the secretary job interview," The receptionist at the entrance says before escorting me to the upper floor. All I could do was look around mesmerised while I still tried to catch my breath. "Just knock on the door and he will let you in." The woman smiles before leaving.
I take another deep breath before knocking on the door but hear no response. I knock on it again and hear a voice, but not from inside the room.

"Looking for the boss?" I turn to my right to see a tall, light-skinned man in a suit.

"I'm, yes. I am here for a job interview," I state my reason.

"We don't normally schedule interviews for this early," He makes a confused expression. "Anyway, I am Marcus Freya. You can call me Mr Freya. I will be interviewing you since Mr Junaid isn't available. Follow me." He walks and I follow him up to a room that had his name on the door. I figured it was his office. He must have a really high position here to have his own office on the same floor as the boss. His room is the only one here besides the boss'.

"So let's begin. How did you find us and why are you here?" He questions straightforward which caught me off guard. Who asks questions like that?

"Um, a friend mentioned this company and that they were in need of new employees," I answer the first part. "I am here because I also was in need of a job and I am willing to do anything for my job. So work is not a problem for me." I answer and feel like slapping myself. I knew this interview wouldn't go well. I hate interviews!

"What is your name?" He questions which should have been his first question.

"My name is_"

"Just hand me your CV and while I have a look at it, tell me where you previously worked and how it was." He interrupts.

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