Chapter 3

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Afrah's POV

I greet Martina at the entrance before going inside the elevator. As I reach the top floor all the downstairs noise, from the printers to the paperwork and the employees working, was all over. The noise is all gone.

Damn, I like this floor.

I walk to my desk which is in front of a high rectangular desk with tons of paperwork on top, a black folder and a telephone. I spot the previous secretary's diary on top of the desk as well. Mr Freya or Martina must have left it here so it would be easier for me to find. I take out my jacket and hang it on the hanger besides my desk along with my bag.

Alright, so first I must get the boss' office-ready. I knock on the door and feel stupid when I remember he isn't here yet.

Damn this room is gigantic! It has even got a couch and a table.

Alright, stop drooling over the room and get the job done.

I went over to his desk and everything was organised neatly. So I check for the dates. I spend about half an hour doing that. I guess it's because I am not yet used to it. I open the drawers to check for anything else that needs to be organized and notice that one of the drawers were completely empty, except there was a picture frame turned upside down. I turned it around and in the picture, there was a little girl and a little boy smiling to one another.

Aww, must be his children. They are so cute!! But why did he leave it inside the bottom drawer instead of on top of his desk?

Who cares? Afrah, stop being nosy!

I close the drawer and leave the room, bumping into Marcus as I make my way to my desk.

"Good morning, Afrah," He greets.

"Good morning, Mr Freya," I greet back as he walked past. "Excuse me, Mr Freya_" I wanted to ask him for a few contact numbers that I would need, but soon a phone starts to ring.

Wait! that's my work phone!!
I rush to it when I realize it. Before I could answer, I notice Mr Freya form a smile due to how surprised I was to get my first call. He soon leaves my sight and I answer the call, "Hello, this is secretary Afrah from AZ electronics speaking, how may I help?" I sit down on my chair and grab the notebook.

"This is secretary Sam from Wesley Mechanics. Is Mr Junaid available at the moment?"

"Mr Junaid isn't within the premises at the moment, but I can transfer the message to him,"

"If his agenda is free for today afternoon my boss would like to make a video conference call with him for the partnership deal."

I look through his afternoon schedule and there is nothing there for the time being. "He should be in his office during the afternoon."

"Thank you."

"No problem." I place the telephone back in its place, before writing on the notebook about the meeting. From then on, I just continued the paperwork that the previous secretary had to finish. I start to think that she is so lucky to be out of here. Suddenly, I hear the elevator door open and footsteps coming towards where I am.

SubhanAllah, is that him!!? The so-called boss!?!

I swear if you had asked me to describe him, I would've described an old man in his late sixties with a big tummy and half bald-headed. Due to the temper that everybody described him to have, I thought he had lived long that's why.
But he exceeded my expectations.

Damn boy! you're more than fine!

He is a tall light-skinned gentleman. His hair is dark brown-near black. If I am to guess his ethnicity, probably Australian. His strong jawline only enhanced his masculinity along with his perfectly trimmed beard. And his grey eyes, you could lose yourself in them. Whoa!

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