Chapter 33

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Afrah's POV

"What are you doing?" I ask Nicole, noticing she wasn't doing work from the company.

"I'm just checking out a new mall that opened." She gives me a smile. "Why don't you tell Mr Junaid his afternoon schedule?"

"I sent it to him as soon as we returned from lunch." I remind her and she nods.

"Then, take this, I'm finished with them." She hands me some paperwork.

"Why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?" I look at her curious.

"I know you want to talk to him and so does he, so go on."

"What are you talking about?"

"Either you go or I go, and I'll make sure to come back with a lot of juicy details to tell you about." She looks at me maliciously and I glare at her before grabbing the paperwork and leaving my desk.

I knock on the door and enter after hearing his response, "Here's the finished paperwork from yesterday." I explain the reason for my presence before approaching his desk.

"Why didn't you come to report to me about my schedule?" He asks once I placed the paperwork on his desk.

"I sent it to your computer,"

He gets up towards his bookshelf and grabs a black folder from it, "Tell Nicole to come here, after."

"You two must have a lot to talk about," I find myself saying with a certain arrogance, "Anyways, I'll call her." I give him my best convincing smile.

"It's not what you're thinking." He speaks before I could leave.

"I don't really care," I say, not even convincing myself, nevermind him.

I turned around to leave, but he steps in front of me causing my heart to jump from how sudden the action was. I had to stop, not for the action, but simply for his presence and its impact over my whole body. The chills and the butterflies in my stomach decided to come to me this time by full force. I'm supposed to be getting over him, not falling in love even more than I already am.

"Are you jealous?" He asks in a lower tone and at first, I was mad, but his expression told me it was a really honest question. Are men really this clueless? "What do you want me to do? You try to avoid me all day and you only come to my office whenever you feel like it." He stated. I couldn't deny that he was right. But it doesn't mean he has to call Nicole here every second.

"Why does she have to lie to me just to come to your office?" I ask before I could stop myself. "You know what, it's true, you're very careful and considerate with words but sometimes it's better not to be. Especially with me. I'm tired of having expectations and lingering feelings. All I wanted was for you to be honest with me, but you can't even do that for me." I find myself saying more than I wanted to. "If she's the reason why, you can tell me. Tell me that you like her, even if you don't. Just tell me anything because just apologising won't make my feelings go away."


"I know," I interrupt him, "I know I probably sound pathetic. If you don't want to be honest with me then at least accept my resignation le..."

"I love you, that's why I can't let you go." He interrupts me and if he doesn't stop surprising me like this, then the cause of my death will surely be a heart attack.

"Is this what it takes?" I gain the courage to speak, after a while. "Did I have to come and make a scene for you to finally give me an answer?" I speak as I watch him walk away.

"There's nothing going on between me and Nicole. She's just helping your bother with your kidnapping case." He says although that wasn't what I wanted to know right now. But it's good to know that everything I thought, was wrong.

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