Chapter 26

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Afrah's POV

I don't know how long it had been but It felt like hours had passed since I got here.

"Where is he?!" Mad Dog yells as he enters the basement.

"Shh," I do a silencing sound and point at Martina who is sleeping beside me with her head on my shoulder.

"This girl is impressive!" He shakes his head and sneers before walking to one of his guards, "Where is Erick?" He asks the guard.

"He left about two hours ago." The guard answers and Mad Dog grabs him by the shirt.

"I asked you where is he?" He raises his voice at the guard.

"I don't know where he is," The guard answers, sounding terrified. Mad Dog must be really powerful for the guards to be afraid of him. I mean, the guard didn't seem like the type whom you could knock out easily.

"He doesn't know. He's been here all this time." I interfere to defend the guard and Mad Dog ignores me.

"If you don't know then find out. You have five minutes." He releases the guard, who then left the basement straight after.

"Five minutes? You must be kidding." I remark to myself but I guess he heard it. He comes all the way in front of me and does a gesture with his index finger, asking me to get up. But I don't do as he says.

"Are you going to come or do I have to drag you?" He threatens and I sigh letting Martina go. I get up and stand in front of him. He surprises me by wrapping his hand around my neck and starts by slightly choking me.

"I warned you before. Just because the boss sees you as an exception and ordered us not to touch you, it doesn't mean I will obey. So watch your mouth if you want to stay on my good side. Do you hear me?" He asks, each time increasing the pressure around my neck. I wrap my hands around his wrist trying to ease the pressure. "Do you hear me?" He raises his voice.

"Yes... I heard you." I say with difficulty before he released my neck. I coughed and coughed, before falling to the floor gasping for air.

"Boss," The guard who had left, came back.

"Did you find out about Erick?" Mad Dog asks him.

"Not yet,"

"Then what are you doing here?" He raises his voice at the guard.

"The delivery men are here."

"Which delivery men? The delivery happened this morning."

"They came back with the rest of the drugs. It was meant to be next week but it looks like they couldn't make it next week." The guard explains.

"That's impossible. How did they get them so fast? Were they lying when they said they didn't have them this morning?" Mad Dog asks, "They better not have."

"Should I allow them in?"

"Yes, send them upstairs. I'll be there soon," Mad Dog answers and the guard seems to have come to a realization.

"Oh, by the way, they aren't the same delivery men from this morning. I guess they are the ones who got transferred from Manchester." The guard informs.

"Transferred? It can't be. Those will only be here next month." Mad Dog says and leaves without waiting for an answer.

Suddenly, I hear police cars and I immediately rise from my seat when I notice that all the guards have left. I find Martina awake and looking around confused.

"What happened?" She questions and I give her a smile.

"We're fine. They came to get us." I tell her, helping her up.

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