Chapter 44

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Afrah's POV

"What are you peeking through the door?" Martina asks while sitting down on the sofa with Saniya. My brother and Bilal had already gone to work and Marcus went to AZ Electronics. Apparently, Junaid assigned Marcus as the chairman if he is unable to be there.

"It's been an hour. Doctor Malik said he'd come to let us know about Junaid." I tell her, placing my index fingernail in between my teeth, nervously.

"You won't make him come by peeking through the door like that. Sit down and wait." Saniya says but I soon spot Doctor Malik from afar and I rush out of the room, towards him, without telling Martina and Saniya where I was going.

"Doctor_" I start but before he could even hear me, a nurse comes to him and I approach them to hear their conversation.

"There's a situation with the VIP patient number eight." The nurse tells Malik.

"What kind of situation?" Malik asks rushing towards the patient's room, I suppose, and I follow them secretly.

I don't know who that patient is but I need to talk to Malik. And I will do it as soon as he's done with that patient.
Or at least I thought I would. As soon as they open the VIP patient's room, my eyes land on Junaid. My heartbeat immediately races as I think of what the nurse said. A situation? What kind of situation?

I watch as Malik grabs a diagnostic medical penlight and holds it over Junaid's eyes, "Pupils not responding to light," Malik says with a thinking expression, before bringing his ears near Junaid to feel his breathing, "Irregular breathing," Malik says and his expression is each time more concerning as he looks at the nurse, "Any response to painful stimuli?"

"No response at all. That's why we called you. We knew he should've been awake already. It looks like he's in a_" The nurse starts but doctor Malik holds his hand up.

"Let's not assume. I'll carry out a few more tests. Let's take him to the CT scan room." Malik says before looking at the door and noticing me there.

"Why isn't he awake yet? You told me he'd be awake by now," I say as my eyes start to water. I approach the bed to find Junaid unconscious. And God-knows in what state he is right now. "What is it that he has? Why isn't he awake yet?" I look at the nurse because I knew she knew about it. Although doctor Malik wants to conform it before announcing it, I want to know of the possibilities right now.

"Nothing is confirmed yet, so I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the CT scan results." She says which I expected.

"Won't that take ages?" I ask looking at doctor Malik.

"We will carry out other tests as well and know his state by the end of tomorrow."

"Tomorrow...? But, he'll be awake by then, right?" I ask to which they take a while to answer, "You wouldn't be carrying out tests if you didn't have a suspicion. What do you think is happening to him?... I beg you, uncle, just be honest with me because this silence is killing me." I say as more tears escape and I could notice that he was touched by the way I referred to him. I seem to refer to people differently whenever I'm in this vulnerable state. I remember when I was kidnapped, I called Ms Aminah, mum, for the first time.

"I don't want to deceive you or make you suffer in advance. I promise as soon as we get the results, you'll be the first one to know." He tries to be assuring but I didn't want to wait. I'm going crazy with everybody asking me to be patient and to be calm and that everything will be alright. What if everything doesn't become alright? I tried to remain positive but I can't anymore. "Please, let me do my job, and I'll come running to you as soon as I get the results." Doctor Malik says and the nurse comes to me, placing her hand on my back and encouraging me to go with her.

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