Chapter 19

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Afrah's POV

"You didn't need to drop me off," I tell my brother as we reach AZ Electronic's parking lot.

"It's nice of your boss to allow you to come at 8 am now instead fo 7 am." He comments stopping the car.

"Do you guys get along now?"

"Kind of."

"Then, you won't mind if I tell you that I went out with him yesterday after work?" I smile waiting for his reaction, "As in, to eat. I haven't stepped inside his house since the last time, so calm down."

"I still don't like the idea of you spending time with him outside work hours."

"But if you won't let me spend time with people, how am I supposed to find someone?" I ask without noticing that my brother would get the wrong idea.

"You don't mean to say that Assad is that 'someone', right?" For some reason, he seemed to really dislike the idea.

"Of course not... well... I mean to say that he isn't that bad, you know? Deep down he is kind-hearted. He also has his own story just like us, so I'm trying to be less judgmental now. I also feel like being around me is what he needs, he smiles more often than before. Don't you think he's a mystery? He's got so much in his mind. I don't even know how he can keep everything to himself." I say without realizing my brother's eyes on me.

"You're going there to work or to give therapy?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I say in a playful tone and leave the car. "Oh, by the way, he is also cute," I say to my brother, and as soon as he is about to reach for me, I run away laughing.
I rushed to the company without paying much attention to what was in front of me making me end up bumping into a brick wall.

"Ouch," I put my hand on my forehead, "Since when did they build a wall here?" I lift my head up to look and see Junaid. Our eyes meet and I notice him look at me as in 'Are you serious, girl?' "Of course I knew it was you." I give a fake smile.

"Did you piss your brother off?" He looks at my brother realizing it had to do with him.

"No," I answer and rush inside the building.

Ismail's POV

What is she thinking? - I think to myself when Afrah is gone. - She can't like him! She definitely can not! Anybody but him.

I saw how Afrah bumped into Assad and the way she reacted. She isn't the shy type. Why is she acting like that in front of him?

I honk my horn as soon as Afrah is out of sight to let Assad know that I wanted to have a word with him.

"Anything about the investigation?" He asks when he reaches me and I shake my head.

"I didn't call you for that. Get in." I say unlocking the door and he does. "Whatever you're doing with Afrah, just stop. She used to say you were arrogant, go back to being arrogant." I tell him.

"What's going on?"

"She just gave you a bunch of compliments and even said you were cute," I say and look at him this time to notice him with a playful smile.

"Cute? Couldn't she find anything better?"

"This is no joke Assad. I even noticed that she acts all shy around you. You need to start keeping your distance. And what's that about you taking her out to eat after work?"

"It just came into mind." He shrugs but I know there's more to it.

"Don't make her fall for you. You guys can not be together. You know that you guys can never be together and you know the reason well enough." I remind him and hear him sigh.

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