Chapter 31

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Afrah's POV

"Are you still mad at me?" Saniya asks since I was just sitting on the bed without talking. I woke up to her visit this morning.

"I was never mad," I answer, continuing to look down. "I was just disappointed. But you don't need to worry, I know it wasn't your fault." I look at her to find her with an apologetical expression. "In fact, it was nobody's fault. It was just something that was meant to have happened. Let's just get over it." I give her a weak smile and she does a big one while opening her arms and pulling me for a hug.

"I missed you so much!" She holds me tighter.

"It's only been two days," I state, trying to get her to release me.

"That's still too much."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, girls," Ms Aminah peeked in, after knocking, "Your brother is here." She informs and we get up, following her out. Reaching the living room, I find my brother and Junaid on the couch.

"I will be leaving now," Saniya informs us.

"You can stay, there's no problem with that," I say.

"I have work. I asked Mr Cameron to start in the afternoon so I could come and see you." She says, "Thank you for the hospitality, Ms Aminah. Assalamualeikum." She waves and leaves as soon as they say their goodbyes to her.

"Are we all here?" Ms Aminah asks, looking around, "Alright, have a seat. Although I will try to make it short, it's still going to take time." She advises and I sit along with my brother and Junaid. "The DVD that the kidnappers asked you about, used to be with me." Ms Aminah starts, "I'm not exactly sure where it is right now, but Junaid told me that he left all my belongings with me in Canada, so I will contact my friend from Canada to check if she finds it. The reason why that man asked for the DVD is that it contains a lot of information about their gang, starting from over thirty years ago in the 1990s. If that DVD lands in the hands of the police, those people will be charged with not only drug dealing but also with murder, kidnapping, assault, torture, and the list goes on. That's why they're so desperately trying to find it. Although it has been over twelve years, the UK does not have a statutory limit for murder, so they can still be charged and imprisoned." Ms Aminah explains.

"Do you know those people?" I ask her and to my surprise, she nods.

"I know the leader of the gang. We used to be close. In fact, we used to be very close." She answers to my surprise, "I don't know of his whereabouts at this moment, that's why I need to show the DVD to the police so they can search for him. He should be hiding somewhere between Australia and Canada. I don't believe he would take the risk of coming to the UK. Not even the gang members know who he is."

"How did you end up with the DVD?" I ask her.

"Assad's biological mother gave it to me when she was running away from the gang. They were behind her and Assad's father. I know you don't know about it, but Assad's father used to be part of the gang and when he finally decided to leave, they didn't let him. The only choice he had was to record their conversation and gather evidence which he could use against them. He threatened them with the evidence he had gathered and they let him go. Little did he know that they would come back for revenge. That's when Assad's biological mother brought him to me and she went back to Australia because she didn't want Assad in danger." She explains it to me since my brother and Junaid already knew about it.

I found it impossible to shut my mouth as it had now been open for quite a while. I had no idea we were in such big trouble. No wonder my brother tried to keep me from knowing about this whole messed up situation. Even he wasn't sure of what was going on. How could he tell a ten-year-old what even he didn't know?

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