Chapter 43

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Afrah's POV

I wake up feeling the sunlight hitting on my face, causing me to close my eyes again almost immediately. I slowly open them again and turn my face to the side opposite the sunlight to find Martina and Saniya staring back at me, worry visible in their expressions.

"Afrah, how are you feeling?" Saniya asks me and that's when memories of what had happened, cross my mind. I wished so hard that it was a dream but if it was, I wouldn't be in a hospital bed right now.

"Where's Junaid?" I immediately sit up straight and remove the blanket that covered me.

"He's in the surgery room." Martina answers and I try to get out of the bed but she stops me, "Stay here, you can't see him right now. Doctor Malik promised to let us know when the surgery is over."

"How long has it been?" I ask but it takes them a while to answer.

"Four hours, so far." Martina answers and I jump out of bed attempting to leave the room but Martina stops me once again.

"Let me go, Martina. I need to know what's going on." I feel as the tears start to form in my eyes.

"We all want to know but nobody is going to say anything, at least not until his state is confirmed. The surgery isn't even done yet, please cooperate. Stay with us and don't make us worry about you as well." She says as she holds my hand and then steps closer to embrace me in her arms and I let out the first sob.

"If anything happens to him, I can't... I won't_" I start in between sobs but Saniya interrupts me before I could find the words.

"Nothing's going to happen. In shaa Allah, he's going to be fine, I promise." She says and runs her hand through my back in order to comfort me. It normally did comfort me but not this time. Being so clueless about what the future holds, makes me enter in an even further state of anxiety.

"Please go back to bed. The doctor said your blood sugar levels were too low and that you needed to rest. I'm going to go get you something to eat. Just stay calm and rest, alright?" Martina says as she cups my face in between her hands, but I don't answer. Saniya walks with me to the bed before Martina left the room.

"How about Marcus?" I ask remembering he had been shot.

"Alhamdulilah, it wasn't bad."

"He got shot three times," I state as if she hadn't seen it herself.

"Yes, but he was wearing a bulletproof vest. It saved him from any fatal injuries." She explains and I'm relieved that at least one out of the two would be fine. I just hoped Junaid had the same luck.

Martina comes back with a hot chocolate and two croissants. All I do is stare in the air and ignore the tray beside me.

It was only a week away. Maybe what Aidah said was right. I should've focused more on the wedding and left the work for afterwards. But now I can't do either of the two. What if he doesn't wake up? I know I should be thinking positive and hoping for the best, but I can't help it. I knew there were surgeries that lasted for many hours, sometimes even days, I just never thought I would witness it with somebody that's extremely important to me.

My only hope now is Allah. I should stop crying and blaming myself and actually get up and make Dua for him. Only Al Muhyi (the giver of life - Allah's name) can save him.

"Where are you going?" Saniya asks when she notices me get up from the bed.

"I haven't had the chance to pray yet. Where's my bag?" I ask as I search for it with my eyes.

"Here," Martina hands it to me. I leave it on the sofa and go to the bathroom to do my wudhu.

I grab my prayer mat from my bag and look at the direction of the Qibla on my phone before setting the prayer mat and performing my Maghrib and Isha salah since I didn't have the chance to pray either one of them because I was kidnapped.

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