Chapter 7

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Afrah's POV

The next day I wake up with the sound of my alarm, although I still felt sleepy, I had no choice. Yesterday I ended up staying up until fajr time worrying about my brother and doing night prayer. All my duas were for him. Not only because of the incident yesterday, but because I am aware that his job and the responsibilities he has there automatically placed him in danger.

As soon as I am ready I go downstairs to see Aidah about to leave the house with baby Malik.

"Assalamualeikum," I say, stopping her at the door.

"Waaleikumum Salam."

"Where are you going?"

"The hospital called saying Ismail could receive visits. And he is awake now,"

"I am coming with you," I hold the door open for her.

"Don't you have to be at work in a little while?" She looks at the time on the wall's watch.

"I just want to see him and I will go to work straight after."

She doesn't oppose and we go to her car. We first take Malik to his grandmother's home, Aidah's mother. And then we head to the hospital.

"Lay back down, the doctor said you should rest," Aidah tells my brother when we spot him trying to get up.

"I just want to sit down at least." He says and I pick up the remote to lift the bed up for him

"How are you feeling?" Aidah asks him

"I'm good, I want to be discharged today."

"The doctor said you'll have to stay here for a week," I tell him.

"I think you should go to work now. You're late." Aidah reminds me.

"Weren't you fired? Did you find another job?" My brother questions.

"Apparently she was never fired. You know your sister, she always assumes the wrong thing," Aidah tells him.

"Then you should go, Aidah is right you're late already. That boss of yours seems strict, from what you told me...what are you thinking about?" He questions noticing I wasn't answering back.

"I'm going to ask him for a day off."

"No way, you just started recently."

"I was so worried about you and all you care about is to get rid of me?" I make a sad face.

"There she goes being dramatic again,"

"Just let me stay for today. I already told him yesterday he could deduct from my pay the hours I have been off work."

"Did you leave work to come here, yesterday?"

"I called her thinking she had already finished the interview, but actually, she was at work," Aidah explains.

"You have caused enough trouble for yourself. Aidah please give her a ride to work," My brother asks.

"Alright, wait. I will call him and if he doesn't let me take the day off then I will go work, "I pick up my phone and call Junaid's office. I am one of the few who has access to it because I'm his secretary. Other business' call my desk so I can transfer it to him if necessary.

"Hello," He answers on the other side of the phone.

"It's me Afrah," I present myself and he clears his throat, sounding surprised.

"You shouldn't call on this number." He reminds me.

"I'm sorry. I would like to ask you for a favour,"

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