Chapter 21

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Afrah's POV

"Assad was ten years old here, " Ms Aminah points at the photo in the photo album.

"Is it really okay that we're looking at it?" I ask because she had taken it from Junaid's room without permission after we had prayed Isha.

"It's fine, he won't mind." She flips through the pages.

"Who is that girl?" I ask as I see a photo of a boy and a girl. I suppose the boy is Junaid.

"I'm not sure. It must have been a friend. My memories from before the accident were all deleted so I can't tell. But now that you talk about it, she's in a lot of pictures." She notices, "Could it be Nicole?"

"I didn't know they went a long way back," I say because the girl looked around five or so. She's younger than him which means it can not be Nicole.

"She was his teacher back at university and even then they seemed close. I think they knew each other from before. Assad never talks to me about his personal affairs." She explains and I nod while we keep looking through.

"Ma'am," I hear a voice behind us and see the woman that takes care of her. "It's time for you to take your medication and sleep as recommended by the doctor." She informs coming to her.

"I will stay up a little bit more." Junaid's mum says while looking at me with a smile.

"No. That's fine. You should do as the doctor says. I will just go back home now since it's late."

"It's too dark, you can't go like that. I will call my driver to take you."

"No, it's okay. Junaid told me to wait for him and he would take me back home."

"Oh, in that case... Why don't we meet tomorrow? It's Saturday and you don't work. We can meet at that park we met for the first time." She suggests.

"Tomorrow?... Sure, we can meet there."

"I will see you tomorrow, then. Get home safe. Meanwhile, you can go get something to eat in the kitchen or watch something on the TV. Act like you're in your own house. Don't feel uncomfortable. Assalamualeikum." She says before the caregiver helps her up to her room which remained on the bottom floor.

"Waaleikumum Salam," I answer as I lose sight of her.

Now I know why Junaid has got so many rooms. The caregiver would also stay here with his mum. My first thought was to sit down and wait for Junaid but I soon see a light coming from outside. When I check, it was a bus. On my way here I didn't take that long, so I don't think there will be a problem if I go back on my own. Junaid must be tired as well so I think I'd be doing him a favour. So I grab my bag and leave the house towards the bus stop. I take my phone to check for a closer route to the bus stop but get distracted when I see six missed calls from my brother and a text from him asking me to call him. Why is he stressing for? It's not like he doesn't know Junaid. They even seemed to be getting closer. I should just call him so he will feel more relieved.

Before I could press his number, I end up bumping into somebody, "I'm so sorry." The person says and I look up to see a man dressed in all black, wearing a black cap. I could barely see his face.

"No, I was distracted, I'm sorry," I say and try to walk around him but he holds my wrist.

"I'm sorry. You seem lost. Is there any way I could help? I'm familiar with this area." He offers and I look at his hand holding my wrist, he realizes and removes his hand.

"It's fine. I know where the bus stop is." I smile and turn around to leave.

"If you're looking for a closer route, you can go that way. You will get to the bus stop in no time." He suggests and I look to see what seemed like an alleyway. It is true that alleyways always lead to a familiar road.

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