Chapter 45

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Afrah's POV

"Is he awake....? Please tell me and then you can continue with the medicine talk, later." I beg as more tears stream down my eyes.

"You should go see it for yourself. I'll update you on his condition, once you see him." Doctor Malik answers leaving me more anxious and I wait for him to continue, "He asked for you." He adds and my eyes open wide in shock.

"That means..." I stop because I didn't want to put my hopes up. What if I'm wrong?

"He woke up this morning and he asked for you." He confirms my thoughts and I hold my tears which were begging to be released, I couldn't afford to blur my vision right now, I needed to see him first to believe it.

I run out of the office and bump into some people without minding to apologise. I reach Junaid's room and as soon as I open the door, my eyes land on him. Doctor Malik was telling the truth. I don't know what I was expecting, he's a doctor, it's not ethical to play with patients' feelings. But why does this feel like a dream? If it is, then I want to live in this dream forever. I watch him from the door and I couldn't take any more steps inside the room as a river of tears flow down my eyes and only after hearing my sobs, he looks at the door and notices me there with my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle the sobs.

I take slow steps towards him while trying to process what I'm seeing. I feel terrible for all the times I didn't believe he would wake up. Of course he would wake up. He has still got a long life ahead with a woman that loves him dearly and would do anything for him.

He watches my hand make it's way to his arms, without saying a word, I intentionally pinch his arm and look at his reaction.

"What was that for?" He groans and I'm able to hear his voice for the first time since he woke up.

"It really isn't a dream?" I ask with my eyes on his.

"Even if it was, you pinch yourself to find out, not me." He says gaining a weak smile from me.

"It really isn't a dream," I affirm and more tears fill my eyes.

"Have you been secretly opening a fountain of tears? Then you forgot the bucket." He tells me when more tears slide down my cheek, gaining a light giggle from me. I knew he was doing it on purpose and I knew he didn't like to see me like this but I couldn't help it. "Say something. I want to hear your voice." He asks as he holds my hand waiting for me to speak.

"I love you." That's the first thing I say. I realised I couldn't lose him without having uttered those words to him. This was the first time I ever directed those words to him and it was about time I did.


I didn't want to leave Junaid's side. Even if I would just sit there and watch him, that would've been everything for me. Unfortunately, the doctors needed to carry out some more tests and I had to leave his room. But I was happy enough to know that he was awake.

I walk to my hospital room with a big smile stuck on my face which doesn't match at all with the tears in my eyes. People stare at me because I cry and smile at the same time, but I don't mind them, I happily smile at them as well.

I reach my room and find Saniya folding her blanket, already dressed. Martina isn't in the room so I suppose she's in the bathroom.

"Heyy," I greet Saniya with a big smile.

"Um, hey? Why so happy?" She asks with a smile as well.

"What? Who's happy?" Martina asks peeking her head through the bathroom door while she brushes her teeth.

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