Chapter 24

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Ismail's POV

"He won't talk," My colleague Bilal says as he reaches me.

"We still have eighteen hours. Go into the interrogation room and do everything it takes. We will be able to find evidence until then."

"Ismail, you should have a break. You've been working since yesterday." He tells me and before I could answer my work phone rings.


"It's me Saniya. I called your phone but you wouldn't answer. I think something really bad happened to Afrah." She informs and that is enough for me to leave my post and grab my jacket, "I called Marcus to check for her but she isn't at work. Assad said that she left early. I was talking to her but her phone suddenly turned off and before that, I heard something strange."

"Where are you going?" My colleague, Bilal, asks, but I ignore, leaving the police station towards my car.

"Assad is with the NCA team trying to figure out where she is because we can't report it, it hasn't been 24 hours yet and we aren't sure whether she's really in danger. Come to her workplace. I will go there once I'm done with work here." She informs and I hang up, rushing to AZ Electronics while trying to call Afrah, but she wasn't answering.

Where are you Afrah? - I think to myself before accelerating harder.

I reach AZ electronics and run inside to find nobody at the reception. I go to Assad's office and he is there with a couple of other people, "What happened to my sister?" I ask as soon as I get in.

"We don't know yet." Marcus answers, "Samuel saw her get in a car."


"I told you I was going to infiltrate some agents to look after Afrah. Samuel is from the NCA and Nicole is here to help too." Assad presents them to me.

"She told me she was leaving early and I received a call from Assad asking me to give her a ride home. I left immediately to give her the ride but I saw her get inside a car. I didn't think anything of it because she got inside voluntarily. I knew she had a brother who sometimes brought her to work, so I thought it was her brother." Samuel explains, "But then Nicole ran to the reception to stop the car but it had already gone."

I look at Nicole and she sighs before talking, "I recognized the plate number. Those bastards were the same ones who took my mother. I knew she was in danger when I saw the car. Unfortunately, I didn't get there in time." Nicole looks down, clearly irritated.

"How did you find out about it?" Assad asks me.

"Her friend Saniya called me. They were talking on the phone but suddenly her phone got turned off."

"Nicole, you saw the plate number, right?" Assad asks and she nods, "Write it down, we will need to trace it to know where they took her. Now, one thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that she got inside the car willingly. Are you sure she wasn't forced to?" Assad asks Samuel.

"I saw it clearly, she entered the car on her own. But obviously, there's something that we are missing. I don't think she would get into a stranger's car." Samuel says and I nod agreeing.

"There was something inside the car that made her get in. She was outside the car, she still had time to run away but she did not. What made her get in?" I think to myself and Nicole immediately gets up from Assad's desk, coming to a realization.

"A gun. There were many kidnapping cases like that when I was an agent. To avoid getting attention or to reduce the chances of the victim asking for help, the kidnapper probably had a gun pointed at her. Sometimes they threaten with a bomb instead, but I don't think the people who took her would risk their own lives. She wasn't close to them so they couldn't threaten her with a knife. The gun is the only conclusion I can come to." Nicole says and now everything makes more sense. I know my sister. She wouldn't get into a stranger's car just like that.

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