Chapter 30

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Afrah's POV

On leaving the hospital I grab my phone to find a text message from Junaid saying he's waiting for me at the front entrance of the hospital. I look up and find him leaning on his white Range Rover.

"I should've checked my phone sooner so I could've escaped from you," I tell him when I reach his car.

He smiles before opening the door for me, "Mum said you were here. I knew you wouldn't call me on your way back because of your death wish."

"I don't have a death wish," I argue as I get inside the car.

"Then stop acting like you do."

"I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. Drop me off at the nearest Ice Cream shop. I'm craving ice cream."

"Does this look like a taxi to you?"

"You came all the way here to get me, so yes."

"Shortie, I got places to be."

"You as well? I'm wearing my six-inch heels tomorrow, then I want to hear you call me shortie." I say in annoyance and he chuckles.

"You can wear whole ten-inch heels, you'll still be shortie. It's in your name certificate. You can't change it." He says irritating me even more.

"Can you go back to being arrogant, please? I don't like the annoying-you."

"I actually like the annoying-me, better." He answers amused.

"Drop me off there," I say, pointing at a near parking lot.

"You really think this is a taxi, don't you?"

"I never told you to come and get me. Stop the car or I'll stop it for you." I threaten.

"You're crazier than I imagined," He slows down and turns to the parking, "Happy?" He asks when he stops the car.

"Much happier." I smile and leave the car towards the ice cream shop. I come back to the car with two ice creams. Unfortunately, I have way too much of a good heart. "No need to thank me, I know I'm way too sweet."

"I wasn't going to."

"Rude jerk," I slap his arm and he groans pulling back. "It wasn't even that hard. Aren't special agents meant to be strong?" I tease as I try to roll up his sleeve to see if I left a stain but he pulls back.

"I'd prefer it if you kept your hands to yourself. For a little girl, you are stronger than I thought." He teases and I move my hand away.

"Did you get an injection?" I ask, "It looks like you got a plaster there. I could feel it." I explain.

"An injection for what?" He simply says and I shrug.

"I still can't believe that you're really my brother," I find myself saying, "It doesn't feel real. I can't see you like anything else besides my arrogant boss."

"Get used to it then." That's all he says before giving me his ice cream and starting to drive.

"Don't you want it?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Then you call me crazy? Who even rejects Ice Cream? You weirdo." I say, gaining a little smile from him.

"Did you get the chance to pray at the hospital?" He asks but I don't answer, "Who am I talking to?"

"Keep driving and leave me alone."

"It's a simple question,"

"No, I didn't."

"Why not?"

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