Chapter 11

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Afrah's POV

"Ugh, what kind of day off is this?" I keep complaining to myself as I pack my bags for the trip.

"You're the one who said you wanted to go, so stop moaning already." My brother reminds me while laying on my bed.

"Since you're here, why don't you help me pack?" I ask, irritated at how he just watched me struggle.

"I'm just here to check on the clothes you're packing for the trip. So carry on doing that and don't mind me." He gives me a mocking smile.

"Go check on the baby at least," I say as I hear Malik cry.

"I will be back." He warns before leaving my room.

Aidah managed to convince my brother, although the next day my brother still went to speak to Junaid. He didn't tell me what they spoke about, but he left the room a little happier, it seemed.

I wasn't planning on taking many things. Just three outfits and my pyjama. As I pick up my pyjama from my wardrobe to place it in my bag, I see it be taken away from my hands as if in slow motion.

"You're not planning to take this, are you?" It was my brother. Of course, it was. He was back with Aidah and the baby.

"Why not?" I ask, looking at his disapproval expression.

"It's too revealing." He puts it back inside my wardrobe.

"It's a pyjama!! Nobody will see me in it." I wave my hands in the air towards the piece of cloth he disapproves of me wearing.

"You never know. I'll give you money, go buy a new one."

"Are you serious?" I frown at him.

"I can go buy it for you if you want," He says ready to leave the room.

"No!!" I say it loud and clear, "I will go." I put emphasis on the 'I'. I know if I let him go he will turn me into a grandmother.

I hear Aidah laugh soon after, "You two are incredible." She shakes her head in amazement," I bought you some toiletries." She hands me a bag.

"Aww, thank you," I open it to see almost everything I would need hygienically. "See, this is the energy I need," I tell my brother and he ignores me leaving the room with Malik.

"Don't be too long." He tells us on his way out.

I just throw on an abaya without caring which one and leave with Aidah. Today was Sunday. Supposed to be my day off. My relaxation day. But here I am doing chores.


I was now in the car with Junaid, on our way to the airport. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my brother, he did night shift yesterday and is not yet back home.

"Are you aware we will be there for three days and two nights only, right?" Junaid says when we leave the car.

"I know...oh, I don't think it's too much." I look at my large-sized, purple suitcase. I said I wouldn't bring much, but when I went to buy my pyjamas, I saw so many other things I liked.

"Anyways, you told me someone would be coming with us besides from Mr Freya," I remember him saying that in the car.

"He's already there," Junaid points at the private aeroplane.

Why so much mystery? - I think to myself while I enter the plane.

"Hey, Mr Freya," I greet him and before I could think of sitting next to him, I see a man at the far back window seats.

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