Chapter 29

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Afrah's POV

I wake up in one of Junaid's rooms and notice that Ms Aminah wasn't next to me anymore. After praying Fajr in the morning, we ended up falling asleep. She must have got up earlier. I grab my phone and check the time to see that it's ten in the morning. If I wasn't on leave for an indefinite time, I would be at work right now.

"You're awake," Ms Aminah says when she's back in the room. "Here, I brought you breakfast." She hands me the tray with my breakfast on.

"Thank you. You didn't have to." I give her a weak smile.

"I already had mine, so don't mind me, just eat." She smiles.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I like to at least goggle my mouth before eating in the morning. I go back to the bed and try the cheese toast that she made.

"I don't remember you being allergic to cheese. I hope it hasn't changed. I remember you liked it a lot as a child." She says.

"No, I'm not and yeah I still like it," I answer and take a bite out of it. "It's delicious," I tell her, gaining a smile from her.

"I'm going to go see your sister in law today. I saw her at the hospital but your brother wanted to explain to her who I was before I introduced myself as his mother." She tells me and I nod. "I heard he's got a six-month-old baby boy," She smiles when she says it. "I'm happy to know he was able to form his own family regardless of his circumstances. I thank you for that."

"Why me?"

"He told me that you helped him a lot when he was down. You guys helped each other and that's why you managed to come so far even without parents and still young."

"It was all him. I didn't do much." I say and she smiles.

"What about you? Have you not found anybody you like yet?" She asks and I shake my head. "Are you thinking of going anywhere today?"

"Maybe I will go check on Martina. I heard that she's still in the hospital." I answer and she nods.

"If you're going to be late, call Assad on your way back." She says and I nod, although I wouldn't call him. "When are you going back to your brother's home?... Please don't be upset with him. You may not agree with his reasons but please understand him. He cared for you a lot and that's why he made the decisions that he made. You're in all your right to be feeling betrayed and hurt. Just try to forgive him, after all, he's your brother and your legal guardian... I won't pressure you. Take your time. You don't need to rush."

Not long after, Ms Aminah was out of the room. After a shower, I look around and get the impression that this room did not belong to anybody. There is nothing indicating that it belongs to somebody. No pictures or clothes. The wardrobes were empty, the drawers as well and the bathroom had nothing that belonged to somebody else.

I leave the house and get on the bus. I look at the time and it was close to Zuhr prayer time, but since my period started this morning, I don't need to worry. I reach the hospital and go to the reception to ask for the room that Martina is in. I had no time to come visit her before since I was hospitalised for a week. Although I was shot, she spent a whole week with the kidnappers, God-knows-what she went through there. The receptionist is busy on the phone at the moment, so I had to wait for her to finish her phone call.

"Hello, Afrah," I hear a male voice behind me. I turn back to see Doctor Malik.

"Oh... hey,"

"Did you come to see anybody?"

"Yes. My friend, Martina. She's the one who came with me last week. She was also hospitalised." I explain and he nods, gesturing for me to follow him.

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