Chapter 47

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Afrah's POV

"Are you okay?" I ask Junaid over the phone. It's already past midnight but surprisingly enough, I don't feel sleepy. I'm keeping Junaid awake because I'm afraid he'll fall asleep like last time and have me worried again for a whole day, although I know that the chances of that happening are less than one percent.

"You've asked that like a hundred times already," Junaid says and I notice a hint of amusement in his tone.

"I just want to make sure."

"I'll be fine if you let me sleep."

"But what if you don't wake up like last time?"

"Then that's not my fault," He answers amused, getting the reaction he wanted from me. How could he play with my heart like that?

"Excuse me?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I mean, I will wake up. I promise." He reassures before I could start my protective show.

"I'll call you at Fajr time."

"Alright." He agrees but before I could say goodbye, I hear a beep on the other side of the call, I suppose he's receiving another phone call. "I'll have to hang up now,"

"I thought you said you were going to sleep," I tell him, switching on to my jealousy side. I couldn't help it. Who's that so special caller that makes him give up on his sleep? "Who's calling you?"


"I've been trying to call her. Why isn't she picking up my calls? Tell her to call me immediately or I'm going to her house at this time of the night." I demand and hear him chuckle before he put me on hold.

I hear a knock on my door and soon my brother opens the door slightly peeking his head through, "What are you still doing awake?"

"I'm on the phone. Am I disturbing you guys? I'll hang up soon, don't worry." I assure him before he could complain.

"No, that's fine. I just came to check on you. I'm going to sleep now. If you need anything, let me know." My brother says and I knew why he was saying it. He's been treating me with extra care these last days. After all, I'll be leaving him soon.

"Don't worry, just go to sleep." I smile reassuringly and he returns one before leaving the room.

I look at the screen on the phone to realise I'm not on hold anymore, "That was quick," I tell Junaid, "Is she going to call me or do I have to go there?"

"She's been busy these days. She promised to call you tomorrow."

"She better do. I still want to know why she's been seeing you and avoiding everybody else." I know she's up to something. I just hope she's not involved in anything serious. "I have a feeling that you know what's going on, so spill it out." I demand and hear him chuckle. I guess for how bossy I sounded.

"I'm starting to think that Marcus was right,"

"About what?"

"I do need to be careful with you. Are you sure you weren't a bully back at school?" He asks the same exact question as Marcus, gaining a smile from me, although he couldn't see me.

"No. I was just the one everyone wanted to play with." I tell the truth.

"I figured. They had no other choice or else you'd bully them." He jokes gaining a gasp from me.

"I wasn't a bully, I said." I pretend a disappointed tone, making him chuckle, "I'm going to hang up if you don't stop laughing at me."

"Alright, Afrah, don't get mad." He says and my heart immediately reacts just for the fact that he called my name. This isn't normal. I couldn't explain the way it made me feel. My heart literally went to the moon and back. I have a feeling that if it doesn't stop racing, my heart will pop out at any moment. Why does he still make me feel like that? We're about to get married, the excitement should've been less now, right? Why is it only increasing more and more as the days pass? Now I just can't wait to get married to him and be able to see him all day and all night and sleep in his arms.

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