Big News - Lindir x Reader

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Welcome back to my oneshots book! I really hope you like this oneshot. Lindir is one of my favorite elves!

Word count: 1,021 words


You had some very important news to share with your husband, Lindir. He wasn't home, meaning that he was at work, being the steward to Lord Elrond. So, you walked around Imladris in order to find your husband.

You walked into the building where Lindir usually worked at, but it was very large, so you found a nearby maid and asked her where Lord Elrond and your husband were.

"Ah, they are both in Lord Elrond's study. Do you know where that is?" the maid said.

"I know where the study is. Thank you very much, I appreciate your kindness." you said, before walking to Lord Elrond's study. The maid smiled and waved.

Soon, you entered Lord Elrond's study, and you saw the two right next to each other. You greeted the two by putting your hand on your heart and extending your arm.

"My lord, may I please speak to my husband? In private. It's very serious and I cannot wait until later." you asked.

Lord Elrond understood that it was most likely something that will affect the relationship between you two, meaning it was urgent. "You may speak to your husband... however, make it quick."

Lindir looked at Lord Elrond to make sure that he really meant that it was fine to talk to you. The elven lord nodded. He walked up to you and whispered "Let's go..." to you before leaving Lord Elrond's study.

"Right here?" your beloved asked, right outside the study.

"No. Outside..." you said. The two of you continued walking.

"I'm a little anxious. Is the discussion we are going to have about something awful?" Lindir looked at the floor. "Please tell me it isn't..."

"It depends... it could be good or bad. I'm hoping it's good to you." You kissed Lindir's cheek. "It is about something good to me, though."

Lindir sighed. He trusted you, so he assumed that it was going to be some good news. However, he was still a little nervous because it could involve a breakup. Breakups can be good news for some. But to Lindir, breaking up with you would be terrible news.

You knew exactly what you were going to discuss, obviously. And you hoped that Lindir was going to be very excited. Or at least just happy. If he wasn't going to be at least glad about the news you were about to tell him, then there was going to be an issue. A massive one, at the least.

You two were quiet for the rest of the way out, as both of you were lost in your thoughts. It probably looked very awkward to the elves surrounding you. Not only did it look awkward, it also felt awkward to you.

Finally, the two of you arrived outside. It was time to share the news. Your husband gulped. He was clearly nervous, based on the way he stood, the look on his face, and the fact that he just gulped. But you couldn't blame him. He doesn't know what you're about to tell him. Of course he's feeling a bit anxious.

"So, um, melleth nin, what is the thing we are going to discuss? What is it about?" Lindir asked. You pitied the poor elf, because he was so scared.

"What's wrong, melamin? Why do you look so... nervous? I promise you that it isn't really awful news... unless-" you said, before you were interrupted by Lindir.

"So you aren't going to tell me that you were never in love with me and our marriage was a fake one?" You laughed lightly.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I love you to the moon and back. Our marriage is definitely from love. I swear." You smiled, hoping that Lindir calmed down at least a small amount.

"Alright." Lindir sighed a nice sigh of relief. You were glad that he was relieved. "So, I'm ready for the news."

"Yes, you're going to be so happy about this..." you said, happily. "The news is... I am pregnant! You are going to be a father!"

Lindir gasped and hugged you. This seemed to be spectacular news to him, which made you full of joy.

"I am going to be a father!" Lindir sort of squealed. "There is going to be a new elf in Imladris, and it's ours!" The two of you shared a kiss. It was then when you two remembered that Lord Elrond told you to be quick.

"Come, my dear, we need to return to Lord Elrond's study." you told Lindir. He nodded and the two of you hastily walked to the study.

"Should I tell him about your pregnancy? I believe that he needs to know that I must be with my beautiful spouse for long periods of time." Lindir said.

"That is up to you. It's your job, not mine." you responded.

Once you arrived at Lord Elrond's study, Lindir cleared his throat in order to get attention from the lord of Imladris. Lord Elrond looked at Lindir.

"Good day, my lord, I have something of very important matters to tell you. My wife here is with child. Um... I am requesting some more time with my dearly beloved. However, I will be completely fine if you cannot give me more time off." your husband announced.

"Ah, congratulations, you two!" Lord Elrond exclaimed. "I will give you a bit more time off. I shall hire someone to replace you while you are away. May you and your family be in good health." Lindir bowed his head slightly. You did the same.

You kissed your husband goodbye quickly before you left, expecting that he had to finish his shift for today. But, Lord Elrond told Lindir to go and take care of you, as you really need some caring for.

Lindir ran up to you, grabbed your hand, and walked home with you. You felt very grateful that you had a caring husband, and that you are to become a parent soon.

No matter what gender the elfling is going to be, you knew that you and Lindir are going to love it with all of your hearts.


That is the oneshot! I wrote this one in a notebook full of LotR/TH oneshots. Most of my future oneshots will be from the notebook...

Novaer, mellyn nin!

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