chapter: 1

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Yuta's point of view

Why is she still asleep?

I look at the half naked girl in my hotel bed before sighing, lazy. I clap loudly to gain her attention and she does nothing but mumbles and roll over.

I snatch the cover off of her and she glares at me.

Raven: You asshole!

I smirk.

A month or so ago I had to fly out to Japan for a photo shoot, last night surprisingly I ran into Giselle and Raven. We all went to the club to have a few drinks and catch up, the rest is history.

Raven stretches before looking for her clothes from last night.

Raven: Hows everyone?
Me: Good. Char and Hongjoong's son is adorable, Sauni is going to pop any minute now.

She smiles.

I can tell she misses them all, but I also see a new glow she didn't have before. Growth in one's self is important, I'm happy she's figuring it out.

Raven: I better get back to the hotel before Giselle kills me. We have a flight to catch tonight.
Me: Enjoying traveling?

She nods, a large smile on her face.

Raven: I'm moving forward, although having a taste of the past was nice.

I roll my eyes playfully. She wants to ask me something but holds herself back from it.

Me: He's fine.

She looks at me in shock.

Me: He and Saelee are together now.
Raven: I'm happy for him.

I give her a small hug before she leaves.

Me: Take care of yourself.
Raven: You too Nakamoto!


It feels good to be back in Korea.

Hotels are nice but I missed my bed. I walk into my house and instantly plop down on the couch.

Peace and silence.

My phone begins to ring pissing me off. I look at the caller ID and sigh.

'Bothersome Agent'

Me: What?
Agent: You're back home in Korea right?
Me: Technically my home is Japan. I'm Japanese you see.

I can practically see him rolling his eyes at my mocking tone.

Agent: Tomorrow you'll be having a meeting with your co-star for the new kdrama.
Me: I told you so many times I didn't want to do that anymore.
Agent: Too bad! You're perfect for the role and Elena is an absolute sweetheart.
Me: Who?

He lets out an exasperated sigh.

Agent: The girl I had keep calling you but you never answered and apparently you answered once but called her the wrong name.

Doesn't ring a bell.

Agent: Just be here at eight in the morning.
Me: I'll be there at ten.

I hang up and toss my phone on the table.

A fucking kdrama.


what's your favorite kdrama of all time?

mine is black/cinderella and the four knights

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