chapter: 55

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Yuta's point of view


I blink as Nani dances around my kitchen blasting BTS at seven in the morning as if I won't kill her. I've missed my sister and mother, and of course I love them dearly.


I can't wait until their apartment is ready this weekend.

When you get use to living by yourself visitors cramp your style. Just the other day my mom barged in my room to collect all my dirty laundry. She found some girl's thong and gave me a whole speech as if I'm not a grown man.

Me: You're in a good mood this morning.
Nani: I have a job interview!

My eyes widen. Nani was always a hard working girl no matter what obstacles she's had to face, but I didn't think she'd jump into working so soon.

Me: Where?
Nani: Joong'a wife bakery!

Of course. That place is like fosters home for imaginary friends, Char will give anyone a job. I look at her runny pancakes and cringe.

Me: Well hopefully you'll be waitressing and staying far away from the kitchen.
Nani: Shut up!

My mom comes into the kitchen smiling. She hugs us both before making a cup of coffee.

Mom: It feels nice seeing my kids happy again.

It's safe to say my mom gave up hope a long time ago. She never thought she'd see us all in the same room laughing and smiling again.

Nani: The future is all that matters now mom.
Mom: True indeed, true indeed.


Elena's point of view

My mind is everywhere but on this choreography. Yuta hasn't been texting me back and it's starting to bother me. When I told him we could continue the contract I thought he'd at least fuck me five times by now.

But nope, nadda!

Valerie smacks in the back of my head making me wince.

Val: Would you pay attention!
Me: I'm sorry, I'm a bit distracted.
Val: Me and my toes you keep stomping on see that.

Winter giggles before shaking her head.

Winter: She's probably thinking of her boyfriend.
Me: He's not my boyfriend!
Val: Well what is he?

My sadist would be too blunt right?

Me: My friend, you know that.
Winter: We knew that but now we're not too sure. Your past with him is deeper than we thought.

I shake my head.

Me: You're making it deeper than it is.
Val: Be that as it may, something is bothering you. You should take care of it before inkigayo this weekend.

She's right.


Yuta's point of view

I open the door and Elena stands there in a fluffy white coat. She unbuttons the coat and my eyes widen, she's naked.

Me: What are you doing?
Elena: Sex, now.

Oh she's lost her mind your honor.

I step out into the hallway closing the door behind me. She buttons her coat with an annoyed look on her face.

Me: Did you forget my mom and sister lives with me?
Elena: So let's get a hotel room.
Me: Elena.
Elena: Nakamoto.

I tilt my head to the side before smirking.

Me: After your performance this weekend, if I take you now you surely won't be able to walk let alone dance.

She gulps, the confidence she once had draining from her body being replaced with fear. I love it.




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