chapter: 42

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trigger warning ⚠️: mention of suicide and depression

Yuta's point of view

Seonghwa rubs his temples, the kitchen is silent.

I'm happy May told the story and not me. Any time I try to speak about it aloud it makes me sad. All three of us went through so much together and then it all went downhill.

San: I'm sorry Yuta.

I glance at him.

San: I can't imagine someone ripping my bestfriend out of my life like that. If there was anyone Elena needed the most at that time it was you and Junhoe.

Yeosang agrees.

Yeosang: Her parents may have passed it off as protecting her but they weren't, they were being selfish and manipulative.
Seonghwa: Xiao, go grab your sense talking stick. We're going to see Elena's parents after this.

I may have lost a good friend a while ago but I'm glad I found these lunatics.

Hongjoong: Of course I knew the story but I didn't know every detail.

He scratches his head no doubt still confused.

Hongjoong: Is that why you moved back to Japan?
May: Yes, Junhoe fell into a deep depression after everything. I agreed he needed to take responsibility but it turned into a constant blame on himself. He even tried to take his own life.

My eyes widen.

May: He was stricken with guilt. I decided a change of scenery would do some good so we moved here, imagine my surprise when Elena's parents had the same idea. They served me a restraining order for Junhoe to stay away from Elena.

She sighs.

May: It was a mess.

When I was forced out my home in Japan I moved to Korea with Hongjoong and his parents. Then a month or so later Junhoe appeared, we were happy to be reunited.

Shortly after we met Elena.

Her parents have always been controlling but masked it under "i just want what's best for my children" that's why Lucas ran away.

At a point it's past toxicity, and just straight mental abuse.

May: I've been trying to look out for your mother, but it's hard. She rarely comes outside, today was the first time I seen her in months. Your dad doesn't allow her to have friends anymore.

I hate that he can "allow" her to do anything, he's a sick man.

Me: Nani came to me a few day's ago.
May: She escaped?

I nod.

May: Such a brave girl. Listen, I support you wanting to save your mom but I also don't want you boys doing anything rash getting in trouble.

May has always been like an aunt to me, and Junhoe looks just like her.

Me: When's the last time you heard from Junhoe?
May: This morning. He's a mama's boy, I hear from him everyday.

I chuckle, that he is.


Elena's point of view

I wait but he doesn't say anything.

Me: Hello? Earth to Junhoe!

He blinks chuckling uneasily.

Junhoe: Huh? Oh, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to try really hard to direct your next music video!


Me: That's great, I think?
Junhoe: Yup, I have to go now.

He scrambles out the cafe confusing me and everyone around us.

That was weird.


Winter and Valerie collapse to the floor a sweaty and out of breath mess. Practice was vicious today, but that's nothing new.

Me: I know we're tired but if we want to make the boss happy we have to blow this performance away on Friday.

Winter sits up switch a solemn expression.

Winter: It seems like all we ever do is work hard and blow performances away. Our fans love us and are super proud of us. Shouldn't that be enough? We decided to be idols for the love of music but all our boss sees is dollar signs.

Val agrees.

Valerie: We're making money, but to him it's never enough. Nothing we do is ever enough.

It breaks my heart to hear them sound so done.

Winter: I think he hates us.
Valerie: Hard work gets you far, but right now I feel like we're stuck in a cage we'll never break through.

Honestly? Me too, but as a leader I can't admit defeat.


favorite animes?

mines are my hero academia, hunter x hunter, death note, and inuyasha

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