chapter: 6

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Elena's point of view

The blonde, known as Cina scratches her head.

Cina: So, you have a crush on him or?

My eyes widen.

Me: No! Nothing like that. I've been a fan of his for a while and working with him should be a dream come true but it's not.

I let out a sigh.

Me: He's really hard to talk to. Whenever I start conversation he shuts me down or I begin to stutter to the point where I have to walk away.

It's pathetic honestly. I've never had any trouble like this before with guys or girls. I'm usually easy going, which makes it easy for me to make friends. Yuta is a challenge.

The grey haired girl known as Santana raises a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

Santana: You want to be his friend?
Me: Yes or at least be cordial while shooting the show.
Santana: Ah, have you tried telling him that's he's being an absolute ass?

The thought of saying that to him face to face makes my heart race.

Char: That's the problem Sannie, if she can't have a simple conversation what makes you think she can say something like that?

The door to the patio slides open and I gasp. Kihyun carries a tray of drinks, I stand up completely confuse.

Me: Sunbaenim, what're you doing here?
Kihyun: Hm? Oh, I live here.

He chuckles at my confused face before pointing to Santana.

Kihyun: That's my wife.

Back the fuck up, wait...


She chuckles nervously.

Santana: I hope that's not a bad thing.
Me: Of course not! It's just, everyone is jealous of you.
Santana: Being married to Monsta-x sounds like a dream until you have to wash seven different pairs of boxers.

She cringes.

Kihyun: I wash my own, thank you.
Santana: Liar.

I stare at them in awe.

Santana: Anyways, all of the boys we're friends with now were intimidating when we first met them.

Cina and Char nods.

Cina: Except Hongjoong, he was always a little teddy bear.
Char: I was afraid.
Santana: You're afraid of everything.
Char: True.

Santana ruffles the girl's hair while giggling.

Cina: This weekend I'm having a barbecue at my house. Nakamoto is definitely going to be there. You should come.

Should I?



should elena go to the barbecue?



Daddy knows best [book 6 of the kink series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon