chapter: 43

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Elena's point of view

Doctor Wong is a character...

Whenever he tells me to do something he laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. He insists I call him 'Lucas' because his title makes him feel old.

The exercises I've been doing has helped my ankle though, so he's good at his job. He sends me a thumbs up as I do twenty successful jumping jacks.

Lucas: Better than yesterday, progress.
Me: Thank you!

He smiles, it could be my sleep deprivation talking but he reminds me of someone. His eyes are the same as my dad's.

I frown, part of me misses my parents but the other half absolutely refuses to speak to them. A sigh leaves my lips.

Lucas: You okay?
Me: Yeah just thinking about things.
Lucas: I may not be YangYang or Santana but I'm a good listener.

I chuckle.

Me: My parents and I couldn't see eye to eye in regards of my profession. They said being a celebrity is dangerous, but I didn't become an idol for the fame. I love music and I love helping people through music.

A soft smile spreads across his face.

Lucas: I feel that. You wanted to send a message you felt you couldn't do as a normal person. So you became an idol to have a platform, to speak on things the normal you couldn't.

See! He gets it!

Lucas: Well your music certainly speaks for itself.
Me: You're a fan.
Lucas: You could say that. I feel like not enough people say this to you guys but I uh, I'm proud of you.

My eyes widen, as does his.

Lucas: Was that weird? Too much? Oh my God I'm so sorry!

I shake my head.

Me: No! I actually appreciate that, I feel like I needed to hear that. Thanks Lucas.

He mumbles "always."


Xiaojun's point of view

I rub my eyes as Yuta begins to mumble in his sleep, it's the tenth time tonight he's done that. May insisted we sleep at her house instead of a hotel so here we are.

I go into the kitchen for a drink of water and pause when I see May sitting at the table drinking tea.

May: Hi, Xiaojun was it?
Me: Uh yeah.
May: Couldn't sleep?
Me: Yeah just a little dehydrated.

She hands me a bottle of water and I thank her.

Me: Can I ask you something? Yuta doesn't talk about his past a lot. The only reason I knew about the Elena situation was because of Junhoe. So how close were the three?

She smiles.

May: This is going to sound corny but they really were the three musketeers. You couldn't see one without seeing the other two, they bonded so quickly too. It broke my heart when the accident happened. Elena's parents didn't even give Junhoe the chance to apologize.

The more I hear about her parents the less I like them, the entitlement they have pisses me off. Even if they wanted to "protect" her she's grown now. Shouldn't she know something? Hiding most of her life from her is just evil.

May: I know that look.
Me: Huh?
May: My son makes the same face when he plans on doing something he has no business doing.

I smile innocently.

Me: Not me ma'am, just thinking.

"He sits on a thrown of lies."

San and Hongjoong walk into the kitchen yawning. We've been taking shifts on watching Yuta's house for his mom.

Me: Who's outside in the car now?
San: Seonghwa and Yeosang. Where's Yuta?
Me: Finally sleep.

Yuta and I have became good friends. And I don't like seeing my friends in pain like this, if it was up to me I'd shoot his dad point blank. But clearly Yuta has some things to say to him.


Elena's legs dangle over the cliff her and Yuta are sitting on. A bag of gummy bears in between them serving as a sunset snack.

Elena: Do you believe in soulmates?
Yuta: No.

She slaps the boy's arm playfully.

Elena: You answered too quickly! You didn't even think about it.
Yuta: Soulmates are an illusion.
Elena: I believe in them. I think you and Junhoe are my soulmates.

The boy listens intently.

Elena: A soulmate doesn't have to be romantic ya' know? It could be a friend who you connect with emotionally, physically and spiritually. I felt like you two were my other half's when we all met. I love you both for different reasons.

Yuta admires as they girl rambles on about her feelings. It warms his heart knowing she isn't embarrassed or intimidated by him.

Yuta: I appreciate that you can say things to me like that.
Elena: Of course, I trust you with my feelings. I know you'll never hurt me.


between work and cramps i've been going through it soo let's catch up. i missed you all so much ):

1. ateez's new album is everything i thought it would be, pure gold.


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