chapter: 36

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Elena's point of view

I'm almost jealous of Raven and Giselle's new home, it looks like something straight off of pinterest. I go into the kitchen and San's girlfriend is standing there drinking a martini, she smiles at me.

Saelee: Hello.
Me: Hi.

I've never had a complete conversation with her but she seems nice. Her brother on the other hand scares the absolute hell out of me.

Me: Hiding in here?
Saelee: Kind of. I always feel weird when we all get together, my past with everyone isn't the best.

I frown.

Me: We all have a past, as long as we've learned from it then it shouldn't be thrown in our faces.
Saelee: These days the only person throwing it in my face is me.

She starts to fix herself another drink, pausing to offer me one.

Saelee: It seems like everyone else forgives me except myself, which is weird because I thought I moved on.

She chuckles a bit before apologizing.

Saelee: I'm burdening you're and we hardly know each other.
Me: It's no problem at all. Sometimes it helps to rant to a stranger because there's no bias.

She smiles.

Saelee: I've danced and worked with a lot of girl idols but you're by far the nicest.
Me: Have you always loved dancing?

Her eyes light up, answering my question.

We drink and talk about her path to becoming a dance captain for a few companies.

Saelee: What about you? Have you always wanted to be an idol.
Me: Yes! Music was always my love but for some reason my parents did everything in their power to try and stop me from becoming one. I had to leave home.

I shake my head.

Me: I don't talk about this often but some years ago I got into an accident and apparently lost my memory.
Saelee: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!

I smile.

Me: It's no big deal, my parents told me most of the details from my life so honestly I feel like I'm not missing anything important. The past doesn't matter, the present does.


I haven't spoken to Yuta all night, he's been hanging with his friends. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous but my feet won't allow me to go over there.

"You're in deep thought, no?"

I glance over at Raven.

Me: Yeah, it's stupid.
Raven: Are you having a good time?
Me: Of course! Thanks for inviting me.
Raven: It's no problem.

My eyes land on Giselle and Valerie whose basically snuggling on the couch, how cute. Winter has been doing everything in her power to remain a safe distance from Santana.

A boy walks over to us, making Raven scoff.

Raven: You're a hour late.

He shrugs nonchalantly.

Him: I'm not late everyone else is just early.

She rolls her eyes.

Raven: Elena this is my twin brother Hendery.
Me: Nice to meet you.
Hendery: Likewise.


Yuta's point of view

San: So what I'm saying is if we die in our dream we'll die in real life.
Yeosang: When we're in a predicament where we may die in our dreams the body wakes up because the brain can't visualize how death maybe.

San raises an eyebrow.

San: Oh so you know all about the brain huh?
Yeosang: It's common sense you nut job!

I ignore Junhoe's call for the tenth time, how the hell did he even get my number?

Seonghwa: I think when we sleep our soul wanders and that's the dream.
San: So when I had a dream that you tried to kill me your souls was after mine?
Seonghwa: Most likely.
San: Even when you're resting you hate me.
Seonghwa: I hated you in college, now I just plain don't like you.

Cina rolls her eyes.

Cina: You two losers love each other.

My phone starts to buzz with a message from Xiaojun.

Xiao🔪💰: You, Junhoe and I need to y'all. ASAP.

Well, this can't be good.


hi guys, thanks for checking up on me im doing pretty well. just taking it day by day honestly

have a good day ❤️

Daddy knows best [book 6 of the kink series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon