chapter: 13

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Elena's point of view

I sit on the practice room's floor a sobbing and frustrated mess. I turned down James offer on pretending to date Yuta.

I have faith that the group can rise to the top without doing that.

Well, I hope so. I sacrificed everything to be an idol. If it fails I'll be a huge disappointment to the girls, to our fans and to anyone else who has been secretly rooting for us.

The door opens and Kihyun walks in, his smile falters once he sees my state. I hurry to wipe my tears and pull myself together.

Kihyun: Are you okay?
Me: Yes!
Kihyun: You were crying though.
Me: Allergies.

He blinks.

I sigh before explaining, not all, but some of the story. Basically starship giving up on us before we even start.

Kihyun: So you're just going to sit here and cry about it?

That was kind of the plan...

Kihyun: Fake dating Nakamoto would've been a career boosting opportunity, but I completely understand why you wouldn't want to go that route. I wouldn't have chose that either, it just shows you don't believe in yourself or your group.

I nod.

Me: So I made the right decision?

He hums.

Kihyun: We'll find out soon enough right?


Yuta's point of view

I sit across from my mother as she smiles weakly at me. She doesn't look like herself, she use to be so vibrant and full of life but that monster sucked the life out of her.

Mom: My precious son.
Me: I really wish you'd come live with me.

No matter what awful things my dad did to me or her she always held the same smile on her face. How she can continue to smile through the pain is beyond me.

Mom: I'm okay, I tell you all the time not to worry about me. I chose to ruin my own life by staying with him.
Me: Because you're afraid to leave, but I'm older now! You don't have to be afraid.

She holds my hand gently.

Mom: Your father is sick now. The cancer is spreading at a rapid pace and the doctor said there's no slowing it down.

I blink, completely desensitized.

Mom: I know this maybe asking a lot but try to come see him before he dies.
Me: Now why would I do such a thing?
Mom: You have a lot of issues son.


Mom: You're angry, you're hurt, and confused. It's my fault for subjecting you to that, I miss seeing you happy. That little healing smile of yours has gotten me through so much.

I stay silent as she continues to talk about the past, something I'm not too fond of. Hongjoong comes rushing in out a breath.

Me: You're late.

He glares at me before hugging my mom.

Hongjoong: How are you?
Mom: Pushing through. You look so handsome nephew!

The boy grins before shaking his head.

Mom: How's your wife and son?
Hongjoong: They're both good!
Mom: That's wonderful, I'm proud of you.

She looks at me before smiling.

Mom: I'm proud of you too!


After the lunch with my mom I went to the nearest bar and started to drink my life away. Due to my social mediabblowing up since Starship and my management denied the dating rumor I had to turn my phone off. The constant notifications drove me insane.

Usually, I make it a point not to drink too much however I'm stressed. And when I'm stressed my level of sadism rises, I look around the bar to search for my conquest.

My eyes land on a familiar face, she's drunk out of her mind slurring over her words and what not. There's a dude trying to talk her into leaving with him. She pushes him away and he yanks onto her arm.

Me: She said she doesn't want to go home with you.
Him: It's none of your business!

Elena hiccups, barely keeping her eyes open.

Me: That's true but I'm making it my business so.

I push him so hard he stumbles backwards landing in his ass. I look at the girl before pulling out my phone to call Char.


Elena's point of view

I open my eyes, quietly groaning as my head begins to pound. What happened? I glance around the unfamiliar bedroom, where am I?

Terrified to look, I check to make sure I'm still wearing clothes. Oh thank God! The door opens and Char walks in holding a little baby.

Char: Oh good, you're awake!
Me: What's going on?

She chuckles lightly.

Char: Yuta found you at a bar, and some man kept harassing you so he called me and Joong to come get you since he knew you and I were friends.

This is so embarrassing.

I barely know these people and I'm causing trouble for them already. I apologize a thousand times and she shakes her.

Char: Don't apologize but, is something wrong? You don't seem like the type to get that drunk when you're by yourself.

I sigh.

Me: I feel like my dream is turning into a nightmare. I'm with a company who has quotas for all their groups, if we're not making enough money then we have to pack our bags.

She hums.

Char: I might know someone that can help.


i can write based off anything y'all vote, it's just that some votes will get to the point quicker 😭. like if y'all voted 'yes' we could've got to the plot of the book (kink, love, drama etc)

we still gon get there it's just gon take a few more chapters shshsh

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