chapter: 5

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Elena's point of view


Before Yuta can dash away I stop him, he raises an eyebrow at me.

Me: During the scene your face was kind of tied up, are you okay?
Yuta: Your breath stinks.

Oh. My. God.

Yuta: You shouldn't eat anything with onions before doing a shoot.


I rub my cheeks hoping the embarrassing blush goes away. I blow into my hand before sniffing my breath, oh dear lord he's right. I had a burger but I didn't realize the onions were so strong.

I tried to kill Korea's it boy with my breath.


My whole weekend is schedule free. No practice, no rehearsals, no taping. Valerie went to Busan to visit her grandmother, while Winter shuts herself in her room binge watching One Piece.

I've got nothing going on in my life so I decide to practice my first love, art.

I pack up some painting supplies and make my way to the closest park. I set up under a large oak tree and take in the scene. It's not too busy, just a few kids playing here and there. People walking their dogs, peaceful.

Until.. a dog runs over to me barking and waving its tail.

Me: Wow you're a big fella' aren't you?

I pay his head before looking at his name tag.

Me: Twilight? That's a cute name.


I glance up to see Char running towards me, a bit out of breath.

Char: Sorry, his leash slipped out of my hand.
Me: It's no problem, cute dog.
Char: Thank you.

Char sighs before tapping his head lightly.

Char: Running away is bad Twilight.

The dog lies down on her feet making her smile.

Char: I can never stay mad at you.
Me: He's spoiled?
Char: Absolutely.

I giggle.

Char: What're you up to?
Me: Oh, just doing some painting.
Char: You paint? That's cool.
Me: I'm no Leonardo Da Vinci or anything.
Char: That's okay, I own a bakery and I'm not Martha Stewart.

People who are her friend must have the best time around her. I barely know her but every time she talks my mood lifts.

Me: What were you doing?
Char: Joong is busy prepping for his speech so I took this little troublemaker for a walk. And my brother kidnapped my son and won't give him back.

I gasp.

Me: You have a kid?
Char: Yes.

I blink, she looks so young.

Char: I'm twenty-six.
Me: Did I say that aloud?

She chuckles before shaking her head.

Char: No but most people think I'm a kid. I'm height challenged.
Me: Ah, me too.

Before I know it we're talking about any and everything.

Char: So hows working with Yuta?
Me: Well, he's uh, well Yuta.
Char: He can be a bit intimidating but I swear he's harmless.

I hum.

Me: It's hard to talk to him, he's like over powerful. Dominate, you know?

Her eyebrows raise.

Char: I think I know someone who can help!


A blonde haired girl and a grey haired girl stares at me with their heads tilted.



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