chapter: 44

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Yuta's point of view

The next morning my father's rundown van pulls into the driveway. Finally after a day and a half of waiting. Once I see him step out the vehicle without my mother I run over to interrogate him. All the color drains from his face.

Me: Eli, where's my mom?

He doesn't say anything, he's still trying to figure out if I'm real or a figment of his imagination.

Me: Are you deaf now? My mother, where is she?
Him: S-she left..

I grab his throat already annoyed by the lies. He tries to pry my hand off but I'm much stronger than he, i will choke his dumbass to death.

Me: Don't lie to me.
Him: I-I swear I'm not, she left yesterday to see you and N-ani.

I loosen my grip.

Me: May said she seen you drive off with her the other day. Why the hell are you just now returning?
Him: I was out with a few friends after taking her to the airport! I swear on my life!

I growl.

Me: Your life is meaningless you piece of shit, of course you'd swear on that. After years of dictating you expect me to believe you just let her leave?

I want to kill him here and now, ending the world of scum like him.

Him: Please Yuta, I-I can't breathe.
Me: You think I care? Do you think anyone would care if I ended your life right now? We use to beg you to stop abusing us but you ignored our pleas. We cried, scream, hid and ran. You starved us so bad we passed out.

He's brought us nothing but pain and agony.

Someone grabs my arm.

Hongjoong: Yuta Nani called your mom is safe and sound at your house.

I hear him but hand doesn't leave from around his neck. He's lost a substantial amount of weight, drugs finally caught up with him I see. He isn't as strong as he use to be.

Hongjoong: I know he hurt you, auntie and Nani. It'll take a while for any of you to heal, but I do believe you guys deserve to heal. If you kill him you'll go to jail and ruin your career.


Me: The world would be a better place without him.
Hongjoong: Maybe so, but the universe will handle him. Trust me.

I toss him to the ground giving him one last glance before walking away.

Elena's point of view

Why did I agree to play softball?

I'm terrible at any sport, especially any sport that involves hitting a ball with a stick. However seeing Valerie all giggly with Giselle makes it worth wild.

Raven: Wanna' be on my team?
Me: Sure!
Giselle: Char is on my team!
Raven: Char got five awards from being on her high school softball team!
Giselle: Don't hate the player, hate the game. Also Cina is a fast runner so I'll take her too.
Raven: Fine, Santana is a good pitcher so I'll take her.

After the teams are sorted we begin playing. It's not so bad at first but once I'm up to pitch it all goes down hill. Char swings at my pitch with ease, time started to go in slow motion once everyone was set.

I heard my name being called but I couldn't move, until it was too late the ball smacked me square in the face.


Char's point of view

Oh my God I killed her!

I drop the bat running over to check on her. Cina kneels beside her to make sure she's still breathing.

Cina: She's okay, just passed out. We should get her in some cool air.

Cina and Santana carry her into the house, lying her on the couch. Giselle lays a cool towel on her forehead.

Me: I feel so bad.
Raven: It's not your fault Char, her face will have a small bruise but she'll be fine.

Hopefully she doesn't have a concussion.


Elena's point of view

Fuck, I have such a headache.

I sit up slowly rubbing my head. A girl sits up gasping.

Her: You're awake!
Me: Where am I?
Her: On Cina's couch.
Me: Who?

She chuckles.

Me: Cina, Seonghwa and Yeosang's wife silly.
Me: Who's Seonghwa and who are you?

Her eyes widen.

She begins to yell random names and a group of girl rushes in wearing a similar softball uniform to mine. A girl with blonde hair begins to ask me a bunch of question.

Her: What's your name?
Me: Elena.
Her: Age?
Me: Twenty-four.
Her: Do you know my name?
Me: No.
Her: What do you do for a living?
Me: I'm in training to be an idol.

She frowns.

Her: Oh no.
Me: Is Yuta or Junhoe here? Where are they?

Their eyes widen.

Her: You remember them?
Me: Of course I do, they're my bestfriends.


well shit.

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