chapter: 59

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Elena's point of view

Yuta and I eat our pizza not really paying attention to whatever's playing on the screen. It looks like something is on his mind but I don't want to pry too much. Hopefully he'll tell me when and if he's ready.

I wipe my mouth with a napkin glancing towards him to see he's already staring at me, he smiles softly.

Yuta: Full?
Me: Yes!

The rest of the day consists of us lazing around doing nothing. Oddly enough he hasn't asked me to leave or when I'm going to leave.

Maybe he's being polite but secretly wants me to go?

Me: It's getting late.
Yuta: It's four in the afternoon.
Me: I should go home so you can rest.

He raises an eyebrow as I stand up to go. A gasp leaves my lips as he grabs my arm pulling me down onto him.

Yuta: Relax.

My heart begins to race.

The only time we're this close is when we're, well.. having sex. He rests his hand on my lower back as I lay on top of him.

Me: Is this apart of the contract?

Stupid, just stupid! Why would you ask that?

To my surprise he chuckles.

Yuta: Fuck the contract.

I sit up staring at him.

Me: What?

He blinks, unfazed.

Yuta: I don't care about that contract anymore. If you do then you can leave, but I'm confident when I say I don't need it anymore.

I'm confused.

He places a gentle kiss on my lips.


Val's point of view

I groan in annoyance.

Me: How the hell did you get gum in your hair?
Winter: I fell asleep with it in my mouth?
Me: At your age?
Winter: Shut up!

She's not going to like this but I'm going to have to cute her hair, am I going to tell her? No. She's so dramatic it'll never end.

The door bursts open and Elena runs in out of breath. While Winter is distracted I snip the gum out of her hair.

Winter: Jessi? Are you okay?
Elena: I-I ran.
Me: We see that, from where?

She points out the door and I deadpan.

Elena: From Yuta's house.
Winter: Why?
Elena: He kissed me.


Me: And that's bad?
Elena: Yes! No? I don't know!

She plops down on the couch and we sit beside her.

Elena: I spent a good chunk of my life not remembering him, but now that my memories are here to stay I can't stop reminiscing on how much he meant to me as a teenager.

She sighs.

Elena: He was my bestfriend, yes, but he always was so much more.
Me: Sounds like you loved him.
Elena: I did, well I do.
Me: So why are you telling us and not him?

She smacks herself in the forehead.

Elena: I panicked! Poor Yuta, I can't believe I left him like that.


Yuta's point of view

San: Maybe your breath stunk?

Xiaojun and Junhoe slaps him upside the head.

After my humiliation set in I called Xiaojun and he brought everyone over. Seonghwa shakes his head.

Seonghwa: Maybe she was thrown off guard and not use to you being so..
Me: So..
Yeosang: So in depth with your feelings.
Me: Im always in depth.

They begin to laugh.

Junhoe: Blunt, yes. In depth? No.
Me: Shut up.
San: I think you should make a grand gesture.

Hongjoong shakes his head.

Hongjoong: Something simple is fine too.
Me: I just want to tell her how I feel without her running away.
Yeosang: Have you tried chains?

I may have called the wrong people.


Char smiles brightly.

Hongjoong: You called my wife?
Seonghwa: And mine?
Xiaojun: And my should've been?

Santana rolls her eyes.

Me: I needed a woman's opinion.

Cina steals a chip off Yeosang's plate.

Cina: What's this about?
Me: I kind of expressed my feelings to Elena. I kissed her then she ran away.
Santana: Did your breath stink?

These people.

Char: I think it's nice Yuta finally wants to settle down!
Cina: Me too, so do you plan on asking her to be your girlfriend?
Me: Uh..

Santana raises an eyebrow.

Santana: Uh? If all you say is uh she's going to run away again.
Me: I'm not good at this.

They tap their chins thinking.

Char: Flowers!
Cina: Chocolate!
Santana: Sex!

Okay maybe this whole group is doomed.

There's one person who understand me enough to help though.


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