chapter: 22

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Valerie's point of view


I blink as Winter continues her rant about Changkyun's marriage. She stumbles over her own feet almost pulling me down with her, I hear someone yell "hey" making me turn around to look back.

Giselle jogs up to us giving me a soft smile.

Giselle: I figured you can use some help getting her to the car.
Me: Oh, thank you.

She places Winter's other arm around her neck so we're both supporting each side of her. Winter is in and out of consciousness so right now she's dead wait.

Me: Sorry again for interrupting you and your friends.
Giselle: You guys we're actually a God sent. I always feel like I'm third-wheeling around Raven and Yuta.

I nod, not saying much after.

Giselle: So what's it like being an idol.

My eyes widen,

I'm not good at conversation. I've always kept to myself, never had many friends growing up, never cared to.

Me: It's okay.

She giggles.

Giselle: Just okay?
Me: It has its pros and cons.

Once we get to the car I gently lay winter down in the backseat.

Me: Thank you.
Giselle: No problem at all. Well, hopefully we run into each other again.

She waves before running hack towards the bar.

I feel my face and sigh, it's warm. Am I blushing?


Elena's point of view

Raven and I sit there awkwardly.

Yuta went to the restroom and Giselle went to help Valerie. I whistle glancing around the bar that's starting to empty out, the night is slowly coming to a close.

Me: So um, when are you guys moving back here for good?
Raven: I'm a few weeks. I have some things to take care of in Thailand.

I nod.

Me: So your San's ex, not Yuta's?

She chuckles uneasily.

Raven: That's technically correct.


Raven: Yuta and I's friendship has always been different in a sense. We hated each other when we met.
Me: Relatable, well, I don't hate him but I'm sure he hates me.

She smiles kindly.

Raven: This may sound like an old trope but he's not as cold as he appears, he's just been through a lot of trauma that's made him sheltered.
Me: I see.

I take a sip of my drink debating on whether or not to ask the next question.

Me: Do you know Junhoe?
Raven: Not much about him. We went on a marriage and friend retreat a few years back and he popped up. Apparently he's Yuta's old bestfriend.

That much I know, but the hatred is just eerie.

Raven: I don't know why they're at odds though if that's what you're getting at.
Me: Ah I see, it seems like no one does.
Raven: Thats Nakamoto for you, he never lets anyone know him too much.

The mysterious boy in question comes back glancing around the bar.

Yuta: Looks like everyone's leaving.
Raven: Yeah it's getting pretty late.

Giselle walks up, she smiles revealing her dimples that's similar to San's.

Giselle: Your friends got to their car safely.
Me: Awesome. I wasn't too worried Val is a black belt.

Giselle chuckles before nodding.

Raven: Goodnight guys. We have a plane to catch tomorrow night. It was nice meeting you Elena, hopefully we can hang again.

The intimidation is back! She's not even trying to be intimidating but shit.

Me: Of course!
Raven: Get her home safe, Yuta.
Yuta: You get home safe.

The two girl walk off leaving us alone.

Yuta: Now..

Uh oh.

Yuta: You have a lot of explaining to do in the car.
Me: Explaining? About what?
Yuta: You've been acting weird.
Me: Weird? How!

I know what he means but I'm going to deny, deny, deny even if I can't nomore.

He smirks sending a chill down my spine.

He places a hand on my shoulder giving it a firm squeeze.

Yuta: Lets go.



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