h e r o

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my prince,
i am was in love with you.
i wish you knew how much i loved you,
i loved everything about you.
i loved the way your eyes crinkle when you laughed at something i'd say.
the late nights,
the times you'd drive to my house and i'd sneak out,
you'd take me to get mcdonald's and we'd sit in the back seat and watch movies,
i'd fall asleep in your car and you would put a blanket over me, drive me home.
you hated waking me up but you had to because you knew i'd get in so much trouble.
the nights you snuck into my house and comforted me when i was at my worse.
you made me think i was good enough.
you made me feel pretty, like i was the most beautiful girl you have set your eyes on.
thank you for loving me when i was at my worst.
i miss the smell of your cologne,
i miss the feeling of your soft lips against mine.
don't forget about me,
i love you x

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