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three years ago;

this morning i spoke to my mom, she's coming home for a few days next week because she has a few meetings in california so she'll be home for that and then i assume she'll be going back out to wherever. it was nice talking to my mom, i miss her more than anything. i know she's living her dream and she's happy but i miss her and i wish she could be at home when i get back from school and not in a different country.

my sister katherine, she never calls to check if i'm okay which is understandable - she's living her own life and doesn't want to check on her teenage sister who is looking after herself, goes grocery shopping for herself and is basically alone all the time unless she's at someone's house or they're at her house.  i guess that's the only good thing, i could have a huge house party and clean up and my mom would never know - i should live a little and do it. i have a big enough house, that's another good thing - i get a fuck load of money but i don't know what to do with it, it's just piling up in my bank account.

if you sit and think about it, there's a few good things; i get whatever i want or need, i have a nice car; i live in a nice home on my own - so it's not all bad apart from the fact it gets lonely and i've had to mature so quickly.

i'm currently in homeroom, all of my "friends" are in my homeroom - we all sit in the back of the class next to each other. our homeroom teacher, ms delegates, is one of my favourite teachers because she's so nice to us.

"so josephine" alice says causing my eyes to look up from my lap.
"where did you go after the party?"
reagan, alice, faith, caroline, paisley all stare at me, eager for an answer
"oh did you go with that boy hayden?" paisley asks, i cringe because she knows that his name is HERO and she keeps calling him hayden.

"it's hero" i reply sternly
"and i went home" i add
"oh that's boring" reagan says
"i hooked up with four senior guys" faith brags and i scoff, what a whore.
"i hooked up with two, but the second one kept me up all night" caroline says, winking at us.

i wouldn't be surprised if all of them had an std because whenever they go to parties, they hook up with anyone they can get their hands on which makes me sick to the stomach - i'm still a virgin thank god, i think your virginity should be savoured for someone you love and not for some random guy at a party. obviously none of my friends agree with my view because they're all whores.

soon the bell goes and we all head to our first class, my first class is math and that makes me smile because i get to see hero first thing in the morning - we don't have anymore classes together today.

our math teacher is mr davies, he's not the best - he just passes out worksheets and expects us to learn it so i spend a lot of time at home teaching myself and sometimes it's irritating because i won't understand but after time i get the hang of it so it's okay.

"good morning sir" i say, entering the classroom and he gives me a nod. i sit down at my desk and get my notebook and pencil case out, there's already a work booklet on the table so i assume that it's the work for today's lesson. i look around and there's not many people in class.

around five minutes later, hero comes into the lesson and takes his seat. i turn around and there's an empty desk next to him.
"come sit here" he mouths to me and points to the desk and i nod.
i put my hand up and mr davies looks up at me.
"could i sit at the back sir?" i ask politely in hope he'll say yes.
"yeah whatever" he replies and i pick up all of my things and move to the back, near to hero

"did you get your coffee and muffin?" he asks me and i nod.
"have you eaten breakfast?" i ask him

i go into my bag and hand him a brownie bar thing and a bottle of gatorade that i brought from the store for him, he smiles at me and puts the things into his bag.
"thank you" he mumbles and goes on to do his work and as do i.

an hour and a half later, the lesson is over and to be quite honest it went quickly - most probably because i was sitting next to hero, i needed help with a question and he
helped me with it which was nice of him.


i'm at home now, the school day went very quickly - i didn't see hero again after math but i've been texting him since i got home, we never run out of things to talk about which is good because we could talk for hours and still have things to say.

hero; i miss u

josephine; i miss me too

josephine; i'm just playing

josephine; did you eat your brownie and drink your bEvErAgE?

hero; i did indeed

hero; thank you very much <33

josephine; have you eaten something? dinner?

hero; no, my moms making baked potato w cheese and salad

hero; have you eaten? i can bring sum to you xxx

josephine; i'm in the process of making kraft mac and cheese and hot pockets

hero; yum chef

hero; wifey material marry me

josephine; i love your sarcasm

hero; it's not sarcasm ):

josephine; i'm going grocery shopping tomorrow after school so i'll be able to make something more fancy

hero; oh right

hero; would you like me to come with you?

hero; do you usually go on your own?

josephine; i mean if you wanna come sure i guess

josephine; and yea i usually go on my own

hero; i just asked my momma if i could accompany you to the grocery store

hero; she said i can go heh

hero; i'll drive

josephine; but i wanna drive ):

hero; could i drive you:))

josephine; ugh okay

hero; enjoy yo hot pockets

josephine; i will (;

suicide noteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz