s i x t e e n

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two years ago;

hero has work today which I'm slightly upset by but i know that he has to go and doesn't have an option, he's took a day off last week to spend the day with me when I was upset about my diagnosis. he doesn't throw it back in my face either which I appreciate, every time someone does something good for me; they throw it back in my face and hero was raised to treat a woman with nothing but respect. his mom has done such an amazing job raising him and i know hero's little brother will be the same toward women and girls, treating with them with respect.

after work, i hope hero can come and see me. i want to stargaze with him, i like just staring at the sky - especially when hero is laying beside me. when he takes my hand in his and it feels like there's no one else in the world that matters.

today is saturday and i have to go back to school on monday or i'll lose my place at the school. i'll have to face up to my problems one day and i can't run away from it forever, i can't lose my place at school either because my mom would have to put me in a different school. we don't have long left and i'm excited to leave and get on with my life, away from everyone at that school.

josephine; u at work today?

hero; yup, i get off work at 7 today. i made it clear i'm not working the night.

josephine; oh right, do you want me to bring you a snack or something??

hero; no thank you, but i would like something else

josephine; yes?

hero; you know my dads old truck that i managed to repair

josephine; oh yeah

hero: me, you, mcdonald's, back of the truck, blankets and we can watch the stars

hero; that's if you want to..

josephine; yes, i would love to watch the stars with you sir.

hero; i'll come and get you after work. so around 8 ish, just be ready x

josephine; are you not going to be tired?

hero; i'm never too tired for you

josephine; aw cute

hero; sike i will be too tired

josephine; stay home

hero; no i'm joking

hero; you're the only person i like being cringy and romantic with don't worry princess

josephine; pft yeah i better be the ONLY person

hero; you are the ONLY person

josephine; good

josephine; i gotta go, i'm cleaning the house. it's a MESS, i'll see you at 8 xx

hero; okay, have fun.

josephine; bye bye

hero; i love you

josephine; i know you do

hero; :/

josephine; i'm joking i love you too xx

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