s e v e n t e e n

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two years ago;

yesterday was our last day at school, it was bittersweet. i'm going to miss being there, having classes with hero and i have come to the conclusion that i will miss caroline, even though she treated me like shit and she was there for me at some point and i love her for that because i don't have many people there for me anymore, hero and his family are more like family than my actual family. martha has treated me like her daughter than my mom does, i'm glad to have her in my life because she is helping me with my mental health and she accompanies me on saturdays to get some groceries, sometimes hero and jamie come with us but other times it's just us and we usually go for a coffee before hand, i love her and she has done nothing but love and care for me.

hero is the best boyfriend i could ever ask for, i wouldn't he as happy as i am if it wasn't for him. he is the person i get out of bed for, i wonder what he's doing with someone like me but he loves me. he loves me and i love him.

"shall we do something today?" hero asks me, as i lay beside him.
"what you think we should do?" i question
i smile at the idea, the weather is nice out and it'd be good to spend the day; hopefully i'll catch a nice tan.

i move my head and rest it on hero's chest, he moves his hand to my hair my body immediately softens under his touch. i close my eyes and soon my body is familiar with the feeling of hero's touch.

hero's stomach growls from underneath me and i chuckle lightly, he must be hungry. i look up at him and he has his eyes closed.
"are you hungry?" i ask and he nods with a wide smile plastered across his face.
"can we go down?" he asks and i lift my head from his bare chest, hero rolls out of bed and picks up a t-shirt from god knows how many days ago; i am wearing his t-shirt from last night, it's not too loose on me. i scrunch my face up at hero as he's wearing an old shirt.

"get a new one out that's gross" i tell him
"it's fine" he argues
"it's gross"
he rolls his eyes at me and grabs a clean shirt from his closet, i must say i won that one quite quickly.
"i'm going to shower after breakfast so there was no point" hero says, standing by the door.

i pull on yesterday's shorts, ironic of me i know but i'm not sure if i have spare shorts here and i'm not changing into my day outfit now, i need to shower.
hero flings the door open like it is made of metal and it won't break.

the smell of bacon fills the air and it warms my heart a little, i wish my real mom was home. the sound of jamie's babbles get clearer, i want a child of my own but i know i am way too young and it'd just be too much.

"good morning" martha chirps, her energy is contagious.
"good morning, how're you?" i ask, giving jamie a kiss on the cheek.
"i'm good, you both are up early" she tells us and i chuckle lightly

"it's josephines fault" hero says and i playfully kick him in his butt. hero takes a seat beside me with a bowl of frosted flakes, i'm not hungry but i am thirsty.
"could i have a glass please" i ask politely.
"you know where they are love, you don't need to ask" martha says and i want to cry because this place is more like home than my own house, it's crazy i know.

i take a glass out of the cabinet and fill it with some orange juice. i take a seat beside hero who is too invested in his cereal to be worrying about anything or anyone else, i look up at the clock and it's 9am; wow it's early.

"are you not eating darling?" martha asks, taking a seat at the table with her breakfast.
"have this i can make another" she insists and i shake my head.
"im not hungry, i'll have an apple?" i tell her and she nods.

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