f o u r t e e n

611 54 7

three years ago;
hero's point of view;

so today i managed to get a day off of work, i'm not going to school today because i'm organising a date for josephine and i - yes on a school night - it took me a while to convince my mom but eventually i had to tell her what actually happened and that i needed to make it up to her. my mom and jamie are staying over at my grandmother's house for a few days which is extremely convenient.

hero; come to my house after school

josephine; why aren't you in school? and yes i will but i need to go home and change into something comfortable these jeans are so tight

hero; you'll find out l8 darlingggg

josephine; can u come and get me from my house

hero; okay

josephine; gtg i'll text u when to drive down

hero; have a good day, i love u

i'm planning for us to make pizza because that's her favourite food, i was gonna order it in but then i remembered that she likes to make it at home so i brought all of the things for it - i got lots of toppings and i'm going to put a table for us to sit at outside with candles - i brought some roses this morning and they're in a vase, i'll give them to her when she gets here and then i brought her an infinity necklace - i used this months pay check on this date, i used some of the money that i had saved as well because i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend - officially.


i pull into josephine's driveway and i pick my phone up from the cup holder - and text her to tell her that i'm outside.

hero; i'm here x

she doesn't reply but i see her coming out of the front door, she's wearing a grey oversized jumper, black leggings and a small black backpack - she manages to look so hot so effortlessly, her hair is pulled into a bun at the top of her head and i see her walking toward the car.

josephine opens the car door and takes her bag off of her shoulders, she sits in the passenger seat and places her bag on her lap - she pulls the seatbelt from the side of her and pulls it across her body.

"you okay?" i ask my hopefully soon-to-be girlfriend,
"yup" she replies, emphasising the p - making me smile gently.
"how was school?"
"eh the usual" she tells me and i nod, focusing on the road.

as we stop at a traffic light i press the button on my car radio for it to start playing a song from my playlist, kanye west; violent crime starts playing and i nod my head to the sound of the song - i look over at josephine who is looking out of the window, i rub my hand across her thigh and i see the corners of her lips rise - making my heart race.

we soon arrive at my house and josephine unbuckles her seatbelt and jumps out of the car; i unbuckle my seatbelt and take my keys - closing the door behind me. josephine sits down on the couch and pulls her phone out from her bag, i look over at her and admire how beautiful she is - i hope she says yes, i want her to be mine - only mine.

"you hungry?" i ask her and she scrunches her nose, making her look even more adorable than she already is.
"yeah kinda" she says and i nod, i take her hand in mine and gently pull her to the kitchen - she looks at me confused and i chuckle at her facial expressions.

the pizza ingredients are laid out on the counter and she looks at me with a huge smile.
"we're making pizza" i tell her and she embraces me in a hug, i feel good about my decision of food - and it'll be fun to make it with her.

we're sat in the living room and josephine is telling me about her sister, i look down at my phone and i acknowledge that there's 5 minutes left on the timer.
"so since she's become famous she doesn't want to talk to me" jo tells me, rolling her eyes
"we were close when we were younger but when she got famous it was like i was too lame for her"
"you're not to lame for anyone" i tell her, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"let's go and eat" i tell her and she follows me to the kitchen. i slip on some oven gloves and take our pizzas out of the oven - they look quite good, i genuinely thought they were going to turn out shit and then we'd end up getting a take out but no - they look so good.
"oooo they look good" jo says excitedly, i take the plates outside and place them in front of our chairs but i tell jo to stay inside for a second.

i pull the lighter out of my pocket and light all of the candles. i take a rose out of the vase and head back inside to get josephine - i turn around once more to check it it all looks perfect, i've got her necklace under the table - it's in a bag so it'll be okay.

i hand her the rose and she giggles nervously, my heart is racing, the moment i ask her to be my girlfriend is nearing and i'm so fucking nervous. what if she says no to me?

"cmon" i say and josephine walls behind me as we step outside her jaw drops slightly and she looks shocked at the masterpiece i've created. i pull her chair out and she takes a seat, i then tuck her chair in like the gentleman i am and sit at my own chair.

"this is amazing" she mumbles and i give her a soft smile.
"i'm sorry for being a dickhead" i tell her, she rolls her eyes at my use of foul language.
"it's okay"
"no it's not because you don't deserve to be treated like that"  she nods at me and then i grab a slice of pizza - putting it in my mouth.
"it's good" i tell her and she tries a slice of her own, nodding in agreement.

once we finished our food, we sat at the outdoor couch thing - i still haven't asked her to be my girlfriend or given her the necklace. her head is rested on my shoulder and my arm is draped across her body as we stare at the dark sky.

"jo" i say, she looks up at me and i sit up - she moves from my arms and i walk over to the table and pick up the bag that her necklace is in. i take the necklace box out and walk back over to the couch.

"what's up?" she asks, taking my hand and placing it on her lap.
"okay i'm just going to get to the point" i mumble to myself
"will you be my girlfriend" i say, looking down at her hand in mine - i move my eyes up to look at her facial expression, i can't read it.
"i've had feelings for you since i met you and i don't think i can just be friends with you" i tell her.
"yeah" she replies and my heart leaps, i sigh in relief and lean in to kiss her.

the feeling of kissing her feels so foreign, i haven't kissed her in a while and wow - i never realised how much i missed it until now.
"i got you a present" i tell her, handing her the box. she lifts the lid from the small box and smiles at the necklace.
"i love it"
"could you put it on me?" she asks, i take the necklace in my hands and move her hair forward - away from her neck. i put the necklace on and she turns around to face me.

"it looks even more beautiful on you" i tell her and she blushes.

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