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three years ago;

today hero and i are going out for a walk in the park, we've been talking for a few weeks now and i think he's such a great guy. he's so good looking which is always a bonus, i haven't told anyone from school because they're all as fake as each other and i know they'd have something bad to say about him because he isn't considered "popular". i feel so disgusted when people get judged on how popular they are.

hero and i have a lot in common and it's nice to have someone who isn't snobby like my so called friends.

i'm on my way to the park, my heart is racing - i've never met up with hero outside of school. i'm wearing an olive green sweater and some black jeans, nothing too fancy - it's getting cold but it's not cold enough to wear a jacket.

it is currently october which means there will be many halloween parties soon which i can't wait to attend, sometimes parties do get boring but i love going to halloween parties. hopefully hero would like to come to some with me.

i feel a light tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. i turn my head and it's hero, i feel my heart drop slightly because he looks so good. his hair is slicked back and his eyes are bright.

"hi" he says, embracing me in a hug.
"how're you?" i ask the boy as we walk through the park.
"i'm good, you?"
"i'm okay" i reply
there's something about his accent, he's not from the US - australia maybe?
"where are you from?" i blurt out
"london" he tells me.

we walk to a coffee shop which isn't too far from the park.
hero pushes the door open for me and i enter, the strong smell of coffee rushes toward me - making me feel relaxed.

"do you want to sit here?" i ask hero and he nods, we sit in a corner - isolated from everyone else.
"what would you like madame?" hero asks in a posh accent, making me chuckle slightly.
"i can get it"
"not today love, it's on me" he says and gives me a gentle smile. his choice of words makes my heart flutter.
"vanilla latte" i tell him and he nods at me, hero stands up and goes over to the queue.

i pull my phone out of my bag to see several text messages from caroline, i haven't told her that i'm with hero. for many reasons, one being that she only cares about herself and she could never be happy for me. i'm not sure why i'm friends with her, i don't want there to be any drama so i guess that's the only reason.

caroline; omg i found a costume for the halloween party!

caroline; the plan is to hook up with as many people as i can on that night

caroline; me and paisley are getting matching harley quinn costumes

me; oh ok

caroline; come over? alice, paisley, reagan and faith are here. girls night!!!

me; i cant rn, sorry.

me; i'll text you later, sorry i can't come

i don't want to be around them right now, plus i'm not ditching hero for those whores. they might be my "friends" but i hate every single one of them. i put my phone back in my bag and i see hero walking over with two mugs in his hand and a brown bag.

he places the two mugs down on the table and hands me something out of the brown bag.
"thank you" i murmur and look down to what he handed me, a chocolate chip muffin.
"you said you liked chocolate muffins so i got you one" he tells me, a smile grows on my face - he remembered.
"i got a brownie" he adds
"thank you" i tell him again,
"don't worry about it love"
love. does he call everyone that?
"what drink did you get?" i ask him
"a hot chocolate,'m not a coffee person" he tells me and i nod.

after hero and i finished our drinks, we go our separate ways. he offered to walk me home but i didn't want to trouble him i declined his offer.

hero; i had fun today, thank you xx

josephine; it was nice seeing you outside of school(:

hero; your smiley face is backward

hero; it's supposed to be :)

hero; not (:

josephine; i think (: is cooler

josephine; but don't worry, i still think you're cool(:

hero; :)

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