n i n e

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three years ago;

today is sunday and i'm going to hero's house, i'm meeting his mom for the first time and i'm nervous. my mom left on thursday evening, she doesn't know when she'll be back next which hurts a little but i'm used to it.

i've spent the day cleaning up the house and making sure everything is tidy. i'm currently getting ready to go to hero's house, i curled my hair and my golden brown locks hang over my shoulders. my make up is light, only some mascara and lipgloss. my outfit is simple too, some jeans and a white jumper; i didn't want to wear anything that she would consider weird or something too short so i put a plain white jumper on with black ripped jeans - i paired them with some vans that i had at the back of my closet.

twenty minutes later, i hear the doorbell ring and i grab my phone from my bed and head downstairs. as i make my way to the front door, i go to the kitchen and take out the cake that i made earlier for hero's mom. i felt weird not taking anything for them so i decided on baking a chocolate cake because everyone loves chocolate cakes.

i open the front door and hero is standing there, with a smirk on his face. i hug him with my free hand.
"you okay?" he asks as i climb into his car.
"hm i'm fine you?"
"i'm alright"
"i baked a cake for you and your family" i tell him and a smile grows on his face.
"you didn't have to"

hero parks in his driveway and the pace of my heart speeds up slightly, i'm excited to meet his mom though.
i jump out of the car and open the back door and pick up the cake box. hero unlocks the front door and tells me to go straight because his mom is in the kitchen. i put the cake down on the kitchen top and go over to hero's mom to say hello.
"hi!" she says to me, embracing me in a hug.
"hello mrs tiffin" i reply nervously.
"oh darling call me martha, mrs tiffin makes me feel old" she tells me and chuckles.
she's so pretty, she has blonde hair with brown highlights. she has a dimple identical to hero's and their eyes are similar too. his mom is perfect and now i understand why hero is so perfect.

"would you like a drink?" she asks me
"no thank you" i decline politely.
"i'm making a roast dinner" martha tells me
"you ever had a british roast?"
"no" i reply through a light chuckle.
"oh did you make this?" martha asks, her accent is so strong.
"yeah i did" i tell her with a proud smile.
"it looks amazing, thank you"

i hear hero's deep voice from the hallway and i hear the babbling of a baby.
"that's jo" i hear hero whisper and i turn around and hero has his little brother in his arms, my heart swells at the sight of them.
"this is jamie" hero tells me and jamie pokes hero on his cheek.

hero sits down in the chair next to me with his brother in his arms and i can't help but smile at the two of them, they're so cute.
"dinners almost done" martha tells us and ruffles hero's hair with her hands making me chuckle because his hair is all messy.
"mom i'm going upstairs with jo" hero says to his mom
"okay love don't do anything i wouldn't do" she says between laughter.
"cmon" hero says to me and i get up out of my chair.

hero puts jamie in the living room in his play pen thing and we head upstairs into his room, his room is huge. the walls are a dark blue and his bed is a double bed with pac-man sheets on them, he has a gaming set up with a small fridge in the corner of his room. i sit down on the corner of his bed and look around.

"your room is cool" i tell him and he chuckles
"eh i try"
"why're you so tense baby relax" hero whispers and places his hands on my shoulders
i look up at him and chuckle lightly, even though his mom is such a nice woman im still nervous.
"i'm nervous" i confess
"don't be, my mom loves you already" he tells me.

"hero and jo foods done" martha tells from downstairs.
hero pushes me up against the wall and kisses me, in attempt to calm me down and it's working i guess.
"let's go downstairs" he mumbles and opens his bedroom door.

martha's dinner was delicious, the cake i baked was good too. i sat and spoke with martha about what i want to do after school and it was nice just talking. talking to her made me realise that hero is a lot like his mother and they have such a close bond. i wish i had that with my mom, i am close with her but we don't have the type of bond that hero and martha has.

jamie is in my arms and i'm feeding him a bottle of milk, hero was supposed to feed him but i said i wanted to because he's so adorable. hero is sitting next to his mom on the couch.

"he better be treating you like a queen" martha says, causing hero to groan at her and i chuckle at her words.
"he does" i tell her.

i know we're not dating officially but we basically are, i've met his mom - we've kissed and we do things that couples do i guess, i mean i wouldn't know what a proper relationship is since my last relationship was in seventh grade. i look up at the clock and it's 6:30pm, i think i should head home so i can sort my things out for school.
"i better get going" i tell martha, i give her a hug and thank her for inviting me over. she said i'm welcome anytime which made me happy, we also exchanged numbers so we could keep in contact with each other.

hero pulls into my driveway and i sigh, we both get out of the car and i walk over to my front door - hero moves both of his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"i had fun tonight, thank you" i tell my bestfriend, i stand up on my tippy toes and kiss his lips softly.
"i love you" he mumbles

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