m a r t h a

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to the woman who was more my mother
than my actual mother,

thank you for loving me,
you treated me like your own daughter.
you were always there to make me laugh, or to just to the little things with.
your roast dinners were the best, i loved coming over every sunday to have a roast with you, hero and jamie.
or randomly in the week i'd come over and we would watch trashy tv.
thank you for coming with me every week to do grocery shopping, that made me so happy that you came with me every week.
you are such an amazing mother.
you never made me feel like i was less than,
it's because of your son i was okay for so long;
i'm sorry for leaving you and for breaking hero's heart.
i know when i'm gone he will be broken for a while, but he will find someone else.
jamie is such a beautiful little boy and i'm glad i knew him for the first few years of his life.
i left you money, no one is going to use it now.
keep it, you and jamie.
i love you, thank you for taking care of me
josephine xx

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