t w e n t y - t h r e e

591 47 10

twelve months ago;

hero drops his phone onto the bed and moves his head into hands.
"hero?" i whisper

"jamie's in hospital" he mumbles and i embrace him in a hug, i feel his tears on my chest and i can feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"we should go to the hospital" i tell my boyfriend
"i'll drive" i add, i know he's not thinking straight and it'll just be safer if i drive.

i pull my dirty sweatshirt over my head and my shorts, i grab some black lululemon leggings and a clean white sweatshirt. i grab some socks from my sock draw and slip them on, i put some black and white converse on. i pull my hair up into a messy bun, i don't have time to care about how i look right now.

"come on" hero lifts himself off the bed and jogs downstairs, i follow behind him. i take the car keys from the key rack and by the time i get outside, hero is outside the car.
"jo be quick" hero yells and i nod, i lock the house door and unlock the car.

hero was silent the whole car ride and i'm scared to speak to him since i don't know what to say to comfort him. i really hope jamie is okay because he means the world to martha and hero, i treat him like my little brother and i would hate for something to be wrong with him. martha didn't tell hero what happened.

we get to the reception in the hospital and hero nods his head at me; signalling for me to talk.
"could you tell me where jamie fiennes tiffin is?" i ask the lady
"children's block, floor 3, room 27" she tells me and i nod.


it takes us another 5 minutes to find what floor he's on, we step out of the lift and i see martha standing outside a room which is most likely is jamie's. hero runs over to his mom and hugs her, her eyes are red  and her hair is messy. my heart aches for the two of them, i walk over to where they're both standing and embrace martha in a tight hug; she starts sobbing and my heart shatters into another million pieces.

"what's wrong with him?" i ask, my tone of voice is soft.
"he has a hole in his heart, it could kill him if this surgery doesn't go right" she tells me and i nod.
"i don't want to lose my baby" martha whispers looking into the room where jamie is resting.

i look through the window and he is attached to several wires and it breaks me as soon as i see him, i turn around and hero isn't standing behind me. my heart begins to race and i start to panic, i'm not sure if the panic on my face was obvious but martha taps my shoulder; snapping me out of my thoughts.

"he's in there" she tells me and points to the room jamie is in, i push open the door and take a seat next to him.
"he looks so lifeless" hero whispers
"he's going to get through this, jamie is strong. just like his big brother" i take hero's hand and thread my fingers through his, i bring his hand to my lips and kiss his knuckles lightly.

"what if he doesn't make it?" hero asks
"he will" i reassure him, i know he wants to assume the worst but i know jamie can pull through and the surgery will go well.

a few hours passed and we're still in the hospital waiting room, hero and martha are seated next to each other and hero's leg is shaking, my heart aches at the sight of them both. they love that boy so much and i genuinely cannot stomach the though of them losing jamie. a man walks into the room in a surgical gown and hero's eyes immediately move towards him.
"mrs fiennes?" he says, his voice booming across the room. martha looks up in his direction and sighs, i can tell she's had enough of this already.

"the surgery has gone better than expected" he declares and a weight falls of my shoulder
"we will be able to tell if his heart has been mounded together in a few weeks" the doctor explains to us and martha nods, her eyes filling with tears. the doctor leaves the room and she sighs in relief, i go over and give her a hug. i move over to where hero is seated

"he's gonna get through this" i whisper and kiss his forehead lightly

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