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This is my first story that I'm writing that's not only for myself or my friends. If it doesn't fit what you like or who you ship I'm sorry but the ships are who I ship and i dont take requests for ships since I've already written like 6 chapters. My chapters get long and there are a lot of people in this so I will break them up. If I make any spelling errors I'm sorry I write most of this stuff fro 12 to 4am since that's when I'm most creative but I do try to proof read before I publish. I will warn you if there will be any smut in the chapters. There might also be swearing but if you go to middle/high school like me it probably won't be anything you haven't heard before.

If any people in this story tell me to take it down I will but until then enjoy.

I'm GalaxyPrincessK but call me Galaxy and this is my hermitcraft fanfiction.

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