A Fun Day with New Friends Part 6

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Hey race you to they middle of the lake." Wels said. "Oh you're on." X said taking one last sip of his water. "On three." Wels asked. "One, two- X said before taking off. "Hey cheater." Wels yelled running after him.

They ran into the water getting to there waist before diving in and taking off. Wels got to the sandbar in the middle of the lake standing up just a few seconds before X.

"Hey come on how did you beat me." X asked. "Well for starters I'm like a solid 7 inches taller than you, I'm more athletically inclined, and I've been better at this than you since we were kids." Wels explained.

"Well still I even got a head start." X said unconvinced. "Yeah you cheater." Wels said. "Hey I tried to beat you ok but I probably never will unless you let me." X said.

"Well you never know maybe one day." Wels said. "Yeah maybe, anyways I'm tired from racing I'm going to float around for a bit." X said laying back in the water. "Ok princess you do that." Wels joked.

"Oh there is no way that's becoming a thing." X said splashing some water at him. "Ok it will only be an occasional thing." Wels played. "No it's not." X said annoyed. "Fine prissy pants, can't take a joke." Wels pushed.

"Just stop please." X said. "Ok I will, just relax I'll make sure you won't float away." Wels said grabbing his shoulders and sitting down in the shallow water.

They sat there relaxing and chatting for a bit until their conversation was interrupted by Zed yelling. "Oh a race I wonder who will win." X asked. "I bet Grian." Wels said. "I'll bet Tango then." X said.

They watched the race from the middle of the lake.
"Woah that was close but Grian for the win." Wels said. "Yeah they did good." X said. "Well we should head up the sun will be setting soon." Wels said. "Yeah let's go." X said diving in the water to shore with Wels following close behind.

Hello there I'm TheQueenofSunflowers but you can call me Sunny, I'm Galaxy's girlfriend, Galaxy won't be able to write for a while so I'm taking over, now I don't know much about writing or hermitcraft, heck I don't even have a wattpad, so yeah my chapters will be short, all I'm doing is writing about things I feel we haven't had much of or needed, I'm also trying to get to one of Galaxy's pre written scenes which she wrote out ages ago, and she has been trying to get to. The past short chapters including this one I wrote, there is just some couple stuff nothing much, tho the race scene was pre written by Galaxy so I just copy pasted it from her prewritten scenes book, I don't know when she will be back but she will probably say when she is, I hope you liked the chapters I wrote even tho there short I just feel like we needed some more stuff with the couples that she hasn't done to much of. Well uh I guess keep enjoying the book. -Sunny out.

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