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The next time I woke up I was groggy, it was like a weighted blanket had been resting over my eyes and it took all my effort to shove it off. I blinked a few times to adjust to the small rays of sun coursing through the blinds of the large window. I was still in the pack's medical ward. What was even worse was that I felt more drained than I did when I first woke up. Mostly because Alaric wasn't here to speed up the healing process.

I looked down at my wrist and hand. They were now both covered in bandages. My wrist because I needed it and my hands to prevent me from trying to pull out my IV again. Just looking at my wrapped hand caused me to remember Alaric and how furious he was. All the rules he laid out for me that I had no doubt, I would be forced to follow. One thing was for sure though, all the thoughts and concerns I had about telling Alaric the truth went out the window when he forced Dr. Thomas to give me that sedative.

Last night I was distraught and broken up about Alaric's actions, I didn't think he would ever act the way he did. Now though, after reflecting on past events I was angry I wanted to get back at him, to do something to show him that he couldn't control me! Part of me, the young and dumb part of me, wanted to rip off the IV and stomp around and start yelling for justice. Demand to get freedom, but I couldn't. Not only because it wouldn't get me anywhere, but also because Alaric wouldn't respond to those actions. All he had to do was lock me in a room and throw away the key. Another part of me wanted to give him the silent treatment, but I had a feeling that currently, he wouldn't care if I talked to him or not. He sure didn't care that I was crying and protesting against him last night. The last thing I could do was big. It was the last resort. In the end, it might even help me, but it would definitely come at a price.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I asked myself, literally. I thought through all the scenarios and none of them ended well for me. However, I had to keep in mind that Alaric and I were a team, we were mates. He was an over protecting, possessive shit head sometimes, and I was a lying, manipulative, selfish shrew, but we were mates nonetheless. Meaning that we were stuck together, forever.

Suddenly the door burst open with a loud click and creek. I jumped and my muscles tensed, preparing themselves for either fight or flight. I was thoroughly surprised when I saw Brett walk in looking even more drained than I felt, he also had a nice shiner on his right eye as well as a busted lip.

"Brett?" I slowly sat up, first to make sure Alaric wasn't behind him so I knew that I was actually allowed to sit up and second to get a better look at his face.

"Clover." He gave me a forced smile and almost collapsed in one of the chairs, next to my bed. That was another thing to note about the room I was in. While it was once a heaping pile of a mess it was now orderly and clean.

"Brett... what happened? What is going on now? Where is Alaric?" Brett sighed and reached over to my nightstand that held a glass of ice water. He lifted it to his eye and sighed once more.

"It's been a long day, Clover."

"Long day? What are you talking about?" He cringed as he sat up some more in the chair. It was only now that I realized Brett's eye and lip were most likely not the only injuries he had.

"Yes, Clover it's 1:00 p.m. or so in the afternoon. You have been sleeping for over 12 hours or so." My mouth fell open, what the hell did Dr. Thomas give me!

"And while you were sleeping Alaric has been terrorizing the pack."

"What?!" Was I still asleep? Was this a nightmare?

"After he came out of your room last night he basically doubled the guards on border patrol, tore our weapons room apart looking for clues, destroyed his office, because we didn't find any clues. He also told me that he plans on never letting you leave the packhouse again as well as never leaving his side..... Medical ward stays excluded ...." Brett motioned to the room we were in, " and finally he has banned the pack from meeting you."

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