Chapter 5

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Xueer let out a heavy sigh after finding out that there's nothing in this house that could fill her empty stomach.

After fixing her stuffs, She would ofcourse feel tired and hungry. Checking if she could grab something from the cupboard or refrigerator, She was disappointed when she saw nothing but a small cup of noodles.

"God! How could that Jiaqi girl live without any food in here?"

She mumbled but is loud enough for someone near her to hear.

"I think I just heard you saying my name, It would be so much better if you moan it, Princess."

A girl, Xu Jiaqi ofcourse, Suddenly said.

Not knowing that there's another person with her in the kitchen at the middle of the night, Xueer got a bit startled but got annoyed after.

Who wouldn't be annoyed with someone you hate trying to flirt with you?


Xueer said, Kicking the right leg of the short haired goddess before making her way to sit on the comfortable couch in the living room.

Jiaqi groaned in pain but successfully reached the couch where the girl is.

"Can you get away from me?"

The redhead said with an annoyed tone when she saw that Jiaqi's already sitting not too far away from her.

"I'm so far from you! Besides, This is my unit. Stop acting like a boss here."

Jiaqi said, getting a bit annoyed with the redhead's attitude towards her but Xueer doesn't really care.

Yes, She's thankful that Jiaqi's letting her stay at her place for free but still, The hate that she developed towards the girl for the past years still haven't faded.

"How can you freaking live with just a small cup noodle in your cupboard?"

Xueer asked. She's hungry and a small cup noodle wouldn't solve it.

"If you like something to eat, Don't expect that you would find one here. Go out and buy your stuffs."

Jiaqi said and stood up to go back inside her room. The only reason she went out was because she heard noises coming from the kitchen, Forgetting that Xueer's also living with her, She went out to check.

"Fine then."

Xueer said and Jiaqi just watched as the redhead went inside her room and went out again while holding her purse and wearing a hoodie plus shorts after a few minutes.

Xueer didn't bother excusing herself out and walked towards the door with Xu Jiaqi blocking her way before she could even go out.

"What is it again?"

Xueer irritatedly said.

"Won't you say a word to me before going out?"

Jiaqi asked but instead of getting a nice reply, Xueer rolled her eyes once again before speaking.

"Fuck you. Get out."

That's what Xueer said and Jiaqi put her hands and pretended to be covering her body.

"B-But we're too young for that. Aren't you going too fast?"

Jiaqi said. Ofcourse she's just joking and teasing the girl and to her success, Xueer was annoyed once again.

"You're really a flirt and a pervert, aren't you? God, Can you distance your self from me?"

Xueer said. Jiaqi, feeling all happy with the redhead's reaction, Finally let the glaring girl go out.

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