Chapter 24

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Her legs briskly taking steps as she was almost late for class and she still needs to go to the student council room to bring back the papers she brought home yesterday.

Xueer quickly opened the door revealing Yu Yan and An Qi inside. Both looked at the redhead but An Qi quickly looked away and stood up, Hanging her bag on her shoulder.

Before An Qi could even go out of the said room, Xueer grabbed her wrist gently.

"Is something wrong?"

Xueer asked innocently and nicely.

"What makes you think there is?"

An Qi asked back, Staring at the redhead with an unusual glare.

The taller slowly let go of the shorter's wrist.


And An Qi walked away, Not forgetting to slam the door hard that startled the redhead.

Xueer walked towards the table where Yu Yan is.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Yan worriedly asked after hearing a heavy sigh from Xueer who just recently sat down beside her.

"I don't know. I feel like something is wrong with An Qi."

Xueer answered.


Asked Yu Yan.

Xueer pulled her chair closer to Yu Yan and started speaking.

"I called An Qi after calling you yesterday, right?"

Xueer clarified while Yu Yan nodded in response.

"I called her multiple times but she didn't even pick up the call once so I just gave up and decided to send her a message instead."

Xueer seriously said.

"And she didn't reply?"

Asked Yu Yan but the redhead shook her head.

"She did! And look at her replies to me. It was much better with her not answering me than giving me these kind of replies."

Xueer pulled out her phone and showed the conversstion to Yu Yan. The younger read everything carefully.

Yu Yan got her eyebrows furrowed as she also have no idea why An Qi was like that, It's so unusual for the girl to act that way.

"Did something happen?"

Asked Yu Yan.

"That's what I'm thinking about. As far as I know, Nothing bad happened between us so I'm really confused with how she acts towards me."

"How about you? Is she like that to you as well?"

Xueer curiously asked. Maybe if Yu Yan answered that An Qi also treats her the same way, She'll feel less anxious.

"No. She's all fine with me earlier. She's even teasing and joking around with me before you came."

Yu Yan responded.

Xueer's heartbeat went faster as she heard those. Does it mean An Qi do have a problem with her?

At the same time, The council room's door opened. Revealing a panting Yuxin.

Xueer and Yuxin's gaze met but the redhead quickly looked away.

"Uhm do you guys perhaps know where An Qi is?"

Yuxin asked after closing the door.

"At her classroom? I think? Why? Is there a problem?"

Yu Yan responded and asked. It's not new for them seeing Yuxin finding An Qi but this time, Worriedness and Uneasiness is present on Yuxin's.

"Yeah, I think there's something wrong. When she came over yesterday for a sleepover, I excused myself to the restroom but when I came back, She stormed off. I tried catching up to her but she's too fast. When I called or messaged her, She isn't picking up."

Yuxin explained.

Xueer began to think. So An Qi isn't only mad at her but also at Yuxin? But why?

Xueer's thoughts was cut off when the bell rang, Indicating that the class is about to start.

The three girls went back to their respective rooms but before Xueer went in, She sent a message to An Qi.

Happy 4k🎉❤

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