Chapter 17

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She let out an exhale as she took a sit. Tired is an understatement, She's worn out.

Waking up in the morning to prepare for school, Dealing with academics plus the student council stuffs then now, She'll have to suffer dealing with this part time job of hers.

She grabbed the pen and slowly opened her textbooks that's placed on the side of the counter and began writing, She's lucky that there's no much customers at this time. She'll be able to do her homeworks.

A while later, She heard the bell from the entrance rang. There's a customer.


She shortly greeted without looking at the person who just came in. Her focus and attention was on the homework she's doing.

Few minutes passed, She heard something being placed on the counter. She immediately stood up.

Her eyes went to the customer.

Wearing black pants, Black hoodie with a cap and face mask on. Why is that person wearing that kind of outfit. Her figure seems familiar.

Xueer didn't care much more.

She grabbed the 2 bottles of strawberry milk and started scanning them.

It suddenly reminded her of Jiaqi.

Xueer subconciously smiled.

"Thank you."

She said as she handed the plastic bag containing the bottles of strawberry milk to the customer infront of her.

She expected the customer to go out of the store but she was wrong. The person went towards the vacant seat present inside the store and sat down there.

Xueer didn't mind it and instead put her focus on her homeworks once again.

From time to time, The redhead will catch the person staring at her then quickly looking away once caught.

She thought it was cute but somehow creepy.

Xueer spared a look at the customer who was sitting at the corner for hours already.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she was curious why the girl has been staying here for so long.

Nonetheless, She started walking at the store's aisle. It's time for her to assemble and stock the goods and merchandises sold in the store.

"Finally. All done."

She mumbled to herself.

It's the last thing she need to do before her shift ends and she's more than satisfied that this exhausting work is finally done.

Her feet started making its way towards the staff's room wherein she always change her uniform. A while later, She went out.

Only to be surprised and confused because of the strawberry milk placed on the counter. A little paper was beside it.

You've been working too hard. Don't stress yourself too much. Once you arrive at home, Go and sleep. This strawberry milk is for you. I know that I looked creepy earlier, I'm just checking on you :)

- Kiki

Xueer was surprised after reading the letter.

Kiki? She started thinking who's Kiki.

As she remembered, She don't know anyone who's name is 'Kiki'.

"Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Who's Kiki. Oh!"

It finally hit her. It was the nickname she called Jiaqi once!

Right! Jiaqi is Kiki!

She found herself smiling again.

Who would give her strawberry milk aside from Jiaqi, right? No one has ever gave her one except for Jiaqi.

She continued smiling while fixing her stuffs and immediately rushed home after.


Short fluff for this chapter. I don't have any ideas yet and this is all I came up with. Don't worry cause more scenes will be coming soon.

Thanks for reading!

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