Chapter 13

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"Class dismissed."

The teacher said before going out of their classroom.

One by one, The students fixed their things and started going out while there is Xueer, letting out a sigh after sigh while fixing her stuffs.

"I need to do something so I can't go with you guys."

Xueer said. She's now walking with Yu Yan and An Qi.

The two looked at her in confusion.

"You don't have a boyfriend anymore."

An Qi started.

"You're not living with your parents so you don't need to go home in time."

Yu Yan added.

Xueer shooked her head.

"No. No. I'm meeting with someone."

Xueer uttered. Her two friends gasped.

"You just came from a break up yesterday and you already found a hook up?"

An Qi exclaimed.

Xueer mentally face-palmed.

"No. No. Just a friend."

Xueer replied while Yu Yan and An Qi both nodded.

"I'll go ahead! Bye!"

Xueer said before dashing off to go at the rooftop.

"Where's your girl?"

Yu Yan, who's now left alone with An Qi, asked.

An Qi shrugged.

"I don't know. She said I should head home first."

Yu Yan just replied with a nod and they continued walking.


The wind hit Xueer's skin after opening the rooftop's door. She went inside and found Yuxin sitting on one bench present at the rooftop.

Yuxin looked back after hearing the sound that Xueer made by opening the door. She stood up.

"You came."

Yuxin said with a smile.

Xueer started walking towards her and also sat on the bench where Yuxin was sitting earlier.

But ofcourse, She kept a bit space between them.

"Now tell me what you want."

Xueer said, Not looking at the girl beside her because she knows that she'll feel uncomfortable.

"I still love you."

Yuxin said.

With that, Xueer stood up without speaking a word before started walking away.

Yuxin held her hand to stop her, Xueer shook Yuxin's hand off harshly.

"Can you freaking stop this shit?! You're dating my bestfriend!"

Xueer exclaimed. Anyone would see the anger through her voice and expression.

Though Xueer didn't intend to raise her voice, She can't stop it.

Yuxin gulped.

She held both of Xueer's hands tightly, Wherein Xueer won't be able to escape from her grip.

Xueer tried shaking Yuxin's hands off, but to no avail.

"Let me go!"

Xueer shouted.

"I-I'm willing to break up with An Qi just for you."

"I'll break up with her if that's what will make you get back to me again."

"Please, Xueer. I'll do anything."

Yuxin pleaded, Tears starting to form in her eyes.

Xueer started shaking Yuxin's hands off again. This time, She successfully did.

Xueer raised her right hand and before they both knew it, Her hand landed on Yuxin's face.

Yuxin's face drifted its direction, It was a hard slap.

"If only you tried to understand me before, We wouldn't be in this state."

Xueer started, Anger is still present on her voice.

"Now you're regretting everything."

"I won't get back in your arms again, Yuxin. Stop being such an asshole. My friend doesn't deserve this."

Xueer said before making her way out of the rooftop.

Leaving the tearing Yuxin all alone.

"Let's go?"

A voice spoke.

Xueer looked at the direction where it's coming. Her eyes widened in surprise after seeing a girl leaning against the wall near the rooftop's door.

"X-Xu Jiaqi?"


Are you curious with what happened between Xueer and Yuxin? Don't worry because the flashback will be revealed soon :)

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