Chapter 40

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"Thanks for the food!"

Both of the girls said at the same time before digging in to their dinner.

They are sitting on the dinner table in front of each other. Only the sounds of the utensils and food being munched could be heard.

"Hey, Jiaqi."

Xueer called out.


The taller shortly replied, Not taking off her attention from the food.

"I have something to tell you later."

The redhead knows that talking about that topic in front of the food isn't a good idea and it's better to talk about it after dinner.

"Are you going to confess your love for me now?"

Jiaqi teased the younger.

Xueer felt embarassed after hearing that and hid her red cheeks.

"T-There's nothing to confess. S-Shut up."

The redhead stuttered.


Jiaqi mumbled.


Lucky for the taller, Xueer didn't hear it.

"Nothing. I said I'll listen to what you're going to tell me later."

Jiaqi said and went back to eating, Stealing glances from the redhead from time to time.


"Is it really necessary to position ourselves like this? We could just sit together and cuddle, Why don't we do that?"

Jiaqi complained.

The girls are sitting on the carpeted floor in front of each other, A bit space in between them.

"This is an important matter so listen up, Xu Jiaqi."

Xueer seriously said.

She breathed heavily and cleared her throat before beggining to speak.

"I'm leaving China to study in States."

The whole room suddenly became silent. Xueer expected to hear a word from Jiaqi but she didn't. The taller just sat there with an unreadable expression on her face while staring at Xueer.

"A-Am I too direct? S-Sorry. I just want to get straight to the point."

Xueer doesn't know why she's apologizing.

Jiaqi, on the other hand, Didn't say another word. She's still processing what the redhead just said.

"J-Just to let you know, I'm leaving after we graduate this year. A-Are you mad? W-Why are you not saying anything?"

Xueer felt uneasy. She thinks she messed up again this time.

"Y-Your parents ordered you to do this again?"

At last, Jiaqi finally said something.

It made Xueer relieved for a bit but she knows that there's more coming up.

"It's my decision, Actually."

Xueer said and hung her head low.

She don't want to see Jiaqi's expression after telling the older that she made this decision herself.

"You chose to leave me."

Jiaqi's voice didn't crack but it's tone sounds really sad.

"I-It's not like that. I don't want to leave anyone, Especially you."

Xueer said softly as she moved closer to Jiaqi and put her hand on the taller's shoulder.

"Y-You could just stay here with me, right? Why do you need to leave?"

Her voice cracked, Trying not to cry.

"I also need to think about my future, Jiaqi. There will be better opportunities for me if I study abroad. Besides, I'll be back and when I did, I promise not to leave again."

Xueer reassured with a smile. They may look and sound like a couple who stops another from leaving but no, They aren't.

"I understand. W-When are you leaving?"

Jiaqi asked. Xueer was surprised with how fast Jiaqi understood the situation.

"We'll be graduating in 3 months so I'll be leaving after that."

Xueer said. She gave this a deep thought and chose this option for the best.


Jiaqi started but didn't finish what she was saying.

"Then what?"

Xueer confusedly asked as she noticed that Jiaqi didn't continue what she was saying.

"Then shall we make our relationship official?"

Xueer's heart suddenly went even faster than before when she heard those. Relationship? Official?


Xueer haven't processed what Jiaqi said yet.

"You confessed to me twice. Are you saying that you'll reject me?"

Jiaqi raised a single eyebrow.

Then it hit Xueer. Jiaqi heard those? When she confessed to the sleeping Jiaqi on her lap? When she confessed a few days ago on new year?

"I heard those, Xueer. I just pretended that I didn't because I don't know what to say."

Jiaqi held Xueer's hands.

"Yu Yan made me realize my real feelings, Xueer. The thing I had for her was just infatuation. You're the one I like. No, You're the one I love."

Xueer couldn't believe what she's hearing. Is she dreaming? Is this even real?


"Day 1?"

Jiaqi asked.

Xueer didn't reply but peck Jiaqi's lips instead. It might be just a short peck but is enough for Jiaqi to feel how much Xueer loves her.

"I'll take that as a yes, Princess."


After a real long roller coaster ride, They are finally official!

And!! The next chapter isn't the end yet! There are like 2-3 more.

Thanks for reading!

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