Chapter 11

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Xueer quietly opened the door of the student council room.

She expected that Yu Yan or An Qi would be present but no, The room is still empty.

She opened the lights after getting in and went towards the long table to take a seat.

She started roaming through the stock of papers placed on the table to start working on them.

Being a part of the student council sure is exhausting.

While doing the paperworks, The thing she did earlier suddenly crossed through her mind.

She can't believe that she just made breakfast for Jiaqi, The girl she hates so much.

Not that she already cares for the girl, Xueer just started living with the girl last week!

Xueer knows that she just did it as an exchange for Jiaqi's kindness yesterday.

Also, She realized that maybe Jiaqi isn't as bad as she thought. Jiaqi has a sweet and caring side, She already seen it.

Xueer didn't notice that the door of the room she's in already opened and a certain someone went inside.



Xueer was startled hearing that voice.

First, She wasn't aware that someone is inside the room with her. Second, She didn't expect this person.

"O-Oh. Goodmorning. Uhm. An Qi isn't here yet. Sorry."

Xueer said in an uncomfortable tone. She didn't even looked up at Yuxin.

Xueer didn't hear any reply from the other girl but noticed Yuxin pulling out a chair near her.

"I know. I didn't come here for An Qi."

Yuxin said.

Xueer looked up at her.

"I'm here for you, Xueer."

Xueer felt more and more uncomfortable after hearing those words from Yuxin.

"What do you want?"

Xueer asked. She put her attention to the papers infront of her because she don't want to look up at Yuxin again.

"How are you?"

Yuxin asked. Concern is present on her voice.

"Why are you asking that? We're almost always together."

Xueer answered.

Yes, They are almost always together. Yuxin always comes with them (Xueer, Yu Yan and An Qi) because of An Qi.

"Yesterday. You were so devastated. How are you feeling now?"

Yuxin cleared her question.

Xueer finally understand it. Yuxin was asking about her state after Xueer's breakup with her boyfriend.

"Great. I guess?"

Xueer unsurely answer. Even her doesn't know if she's alright.

"That's what you also said the first time we met after our breakup."

Xueer was frozen after Yuxin spoke those words.

Yuxin slapped her own mouth after realizing what she just said.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to bring that up."

Yuxin apologized.

Xueer was annoyed this time.

"Can you... C-Can you just leave?"

Xueer asked.

She's scared that if Yuxin stays here longer, She won't be able to control herself anymore. She might speak things that could hurt the other girl.


"But I still have something to tell you."

Yuxin said while looking straightly at Xueer. Xueer, on the other hand, doesn't spare a single glance at Yuxin.

"No. Just leave and go back to---"

Xueer was cut off.

"I love you, Xueer."

"I'm still inlove with you."

Xueer looked up at Yuxin in surprise.

At the same time, The door of the room opened.



Who do you think opened the door? Let's find out on the next chapter!

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