Chapter 44

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It's already night time. The stars are shining brightly on the dark sky. The amusement park is still filled with people, Including Jiaqi and Xueer.

They stood patiently on the line of the ferris wheel, It's their last stop for tonight.

Jiaqi pulled Xueer inside the cabin that would only be occupied by the two of them.

When they sat down side by side, Jiaqi noticed the redhead's face is all red though the ride hasn't move yet.

"God, Xueer. Are you scared?"

Jiaqi worriedly asked but deep inside, She wants to giggle because of Xueer's cuteness.

"You can't blame me. I'm scared of heights."

Xueer nervously said. Her heart is thumping like crazy because of nervousness.

"Come on, Xueer. This ride isn't scary at all."

Jiaqi said, Now letting out a giggle.

"Stop giggling. Nothing's funny."

Xueer said and rolled her eyes.

"You have me. Why need to be scared?"

The older said and held Xueer's hand.

Xueer felt the nervousness fade away as her hand made contact with Jiaqi's warm ones.

When the ride started, Xueer sat straight and tightened her grip on Jiaqi's hands.

"Shit. It's moving."

She mumbled and shut her eyes.

Jiaqi noticed that the redhead's knees were shaking as the wheel slowly took them higher and higher.

The older will admit, Her girlfriend looked so funny yet cute when she was like that.

Gazing on her watch, Jiaqi saw that it's already 9:58 PM.

"Hey, Xueer. Open your eyes."

But Xueer shook her head instead of doing what Jiaqi said.

"You'll miss something beautiful if you don't open your eyes."

At last, Xueer finally opened her eyes and immdeiately gasped.

They were already at the highest point. From there, You could see the whole park. The stars lighten up the dark sky and the pale glow of the moon could be seen.

"That's not it yet."

Jiaqi said. She saw that the redhead was too amazed with the view but ofcourse, There are still some more coming.

Fireworks started exploding in the sky which startled Xueer at the start but when she saw how beautiful it is, She couldn't help but to smile.

It's exactly 10PM and the amusement park held a firework display every 10PM.

"It's beautiful, Jiaqi."

Xueer said, Pertaining to the view and the fireworks.

"You're a lot more beautiful than that."

Jiaqi said.

Now, Xueer's heart is beating fast not because of nervousness but because of Jiaqi's words.

The taller held Xueer's shoulder and made the girl turn around to face her.

"You're mine, right?"

Jiaqi asked, Pain in her eyes.

"What's with the question? Of course I'm yours."

Xueer said with a smile. Her hands caressed Jiaqi's cheeks.

"Jiaqi, Stop thinking about me leaving anytime soon."

She started.

"Because it doesn't matter where I am. I'm yours."

Xueer said.

"Distance means so little when someone means so much."

"And you, Xu Jiaqi."

She pointed at the taller using her free hand.

"Means more than the world to me."

Before they knew it, Their lips met and silence filled the whole cabin. Fireworks could still be seen at the sky.

"Oh shit. What the fuck."

A voice said that made the two pull away.

They didn't notice that it's already time for them to leave. Outside were Yu Yan, Dai Meng and Keni looking at them in disgust. It was Keni who cursed after seeing the two kissing.

"Didn't I said no PDA?"

Yu Yan scolded the two.

"Good thing we were the ones who saw you or else I don't know what the reactions of other people would be."

Dai Meng said, She plastered a disgusted face.

"Like you two don't want to do this with Yu Yan."

Jiaqi said as she rolled her eyes.

Dai Meng and Keni felt embarassed with Jiaqi's words.

"They can't. I have no plans on saying yes to any of them yet."

Yu Yan said as she walked away, Immediately followed by Dai Meng and Keni.

The couple then smiled at each other as they held hands.

This is indeed a memorable first date.

The date is finally done!

I know it shouldn't be like this but sadly, The next chapter will be the epilogue.

There will be a big surprise on the end. Wait for it ;)

Thanks for reading!

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