Chapter 11

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Spencer's POV

Hanna, Emily, Aria, Alison and I were all together. I mean when are we not? But this morning we are together because of Kendall, who for some reason showed up to Rosewood's Summer Masquerade Ball. And now we are all gathered at Hanna's house, trying to figure out why Kendall was there.

"Have you heard from-" Aria started

"Kendall? I haven't heard from her in forever! I doubt she is ever going to come back and talk to us now." I said.

"Why is Kendall making life so hard?" Ali asked.

"Now you know what we went through when you disappeared." Emily snapped.

"Hey, I give her credit. It a lot of work to pretend to be dead." Kendall's voice projected as she walked into the kitchen. "But then again, it sure is fun." She smirked. I looked at her and swore in my mind that she was different today.

"Kendall, what the hell were you doing at the ball last night?!" I demanded an answer.

"Hey, just because I am quote on quote dead doesn't mean that I don't want or need some fun." She went to the fridge,and grabbed an apple.

"Why did you dress like Spencer then?" Aria snarled at her with her arms crossed.

"Think about this Aria." She said calmly. Kendall walked over to Aria until they met each other face to face. "If I went looking like me, people will get suspicious. People will call me 'mystery girl'. I dressed like Spencer, so people would think I was Spencer, and not mystery girl. They would be less suspicious."

Emily didn't buy it. "What if you and Spencer were seen next to eachother. People would think you were twins-"

"I tried to avoid that." She looked over at Emily.

"What if you didn't?" Hanna said.

"But I did. So why are you getting made and offensive on a scenario that never happened?"

All of us looked at Kendall, or someone who we thought was Kendall. She was acting so bitchy and obnoxious.

"And I think Ali can agree with me. Right Ali?" Kendall looked at Ali and smiled smugly.

"What is up with you today?" Ali whispered, confused.

"What is up is that up you guys don't understand fun."

I slammed my fist on the counter, "what you don't understand is danger! You could've gotten yourself killed last night!"

"But I didn't." She sneered.

"You went there for another reason Kendall. If you didn't then you wouldn't have ran away from us when we tried to go and talk to you." Ali pointed out.

Kendall rolled her eyes. "I told you guys, I have a plan, and all you have to do is follow it."

Emily narrowed her eyes. "I swear, you sound exactly like Alison when she was played dead."

"I told you, to not compare me to Alison." Kendall looked at Emily and anger, and Alison in displeasure.

"Then why not tell us this plan of yours Kendall?"Hanna bobbed her head.

"Why should I? So you can go and tell your lovers?!" Kendall yelled.

"I have to go." Ali simply said rasing her hands and grabbing her purse. She then strut her way out the front door. I guess she had enough of what was going on here.

"I told you guys not to compare me that bitch!" Kendall exploded.

"Well, I am comparing you to the bitch, because right now, that's how you are acting." I said. There was then a cold silence.

"So, tell us this plan."

Kendall looked at me straight in the eyes, "No."

"Then you can't have our help." I snap at her.

"And I don't need it." She turned around and took one bite of the apple she had in her hand. Then she tossed it on the counter.

"I'm not really in the mood for an apple, Sorry Han." She smiled and then left the house by slamming the back door.

Who is this Kendall? What kind of show did she just put on? What happened to the sweet Kendall who just wanted to come home, who said she didn't want to be dead anymore?Overall, why was she acting like this?

A/N: quick chapter for you guys. Sorry chapters are getting shorter and shorter. I just don't want to go way to fast, and give too much away in one chapter. Please keep voting and commenting. It means so much.

Kisses -E

Pretty Little Liars//The Sixth Liar: World WAr ADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora